The Ravens

The Ravens

Kass Morgan - Engels - Paperback

From New York Times best-selling authors Kass Morgan and Danielle Paigecomes a thrilling, dark contemporary fantasy about a prestigious sorority of witches and two girls caught up in its world of sinister magic and betrayals.

At first glance, the sisters of ultra-exclusive Kappa Rho Nuthe Ravensseem like typical sorority girls. Ambitious, beautiful, and smart, they’re the most powerful girls on Westerly College’s Savannah, Georgia, campus.

But the Ravens aren’t just regular sorority girls. They’re witches.

Scarlett Winter has always known she’s a witchand she’s determined to be the sorority’s president, just like her mother and sister before her.

But if a painful secret from her past ever comes to light, she could lose absolutely everything . . .

Vivi Devereaux has no idea she’s a witch and she’s never lived in one place long enough to make a friend.

So when she gets a coveted bid to pledge the Ravens, she vows to do whatever it takes to be part of the magical sisterhood. The only thing standing in her way is Scarlett, who doesn’t think Vivi is Ravens material.

But when a dark power rises on campus, the girls will have to put their rivalry aside to save their fellow sisters. Someone has discovered the Ravens’ secret.

And that someone will do anything to see these witches burn . . .


ISBN: 9780358547686 Categorieën: , Tag:


Over de auteur van The Ravens

Kass Morgan, pseudoniem van Mallory Kass, is een Amerikaanse auteur en redacteur, vooral bekend als de auteur van The 100, een dystopische sciencefictionboekenreeks voor jongvolwassen lezers. Ze ging naar de Brown University, studeerde Engels en geschiedenis, en behaalde later een master in 19e-eeuwse literatuur in Oxford.

Extra details: The Ravens

Gewicht 0,364 kg
Afmetingen 21 × 14 × 3 cm








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