Nieuwe Young Adult boeken juli 2024

Nieuwe boeken - Juli 2024

Elke maand posten wij de nieuwe Young Adult boeken waar jij naar uit kan kijken. Naar welk boek kijk jij het meest uit?  Wij zetten al onze nieuwe toevoegingen voor je op een rijtje.


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S.J. Tilly - Nederlands - Paperback

Deze speciale editie van de Nederlandse vertaling van Nero is verschenen met prachtige sprayed edges. De edges van de hele serie gaan in elkaar overlopen.


Op je zeventiende van huis weglopen, is moeilijk. En laten we eerlijk zijn, mijn leven voor die beslissing en mijn leven erna is nooit makkelijk geweest. Maar het gaat goed met me. Redelijk goed zelfs. Ik moet gewoon de eindjes aan elkaar blijven knopen en niet opvallen. Weg blijven van mensen, zodat niemand aan me denkt.
Wanneer een man zo maar door mijn openstaande tuindeuren mijn huis binnenstapt, zou ik eigenlijk doodsbang moeten zijn. Maar ik ben vast meer gebroken dan ik had gedacht, want ik ben niet bang. Ik ben… nieuwsgierig.
En ineens vraag ik me af of mijn leven in zijn handen leggen niet juist de manier is om de zeggenschap over mijn leven terug te krijgen.


De eerste keer dat ik iemand vermoordde, wist ik dat ik een pad was ingeslagen waarvan er geen weg terug is. Ik zou geen normaal leven meer kunnen leiden. Maar in plaats van te stoppen met moorden, stapelden de lijken zich op en gaf ik vorm aan mijn eigen lot.
En dat vond ik prima. Prima genoeg om door te gaan.
Tot ik over die drempel stapte en haar leven binnenliep.
Ik had me om moeten keren en weg moeten gaan. Maar dat deed ik niet. En nu is haar leven in gevaar. Maar dat is het nu juist als je een man bent zoals ik… Ik ben niet bang. Ik leef voor gevaar. En ik zou met plezier de straten laten overstromen met het bloed van degenen die iets van mij af willen nemen. Ik bescherm wat mij toebehoort.
En Payton is van mij. Of ze dat nu zelf doorheeft of niet.

Let op: dit boek is een dark romantasy en kan triggers bevatten.


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Emily Rath - Nederlands - Hardback

Deze speciale editie van de Nederlandse vertaling van Pucking Around (omnibus) is verschenen als omnibus met holofoil op de cover, een bedrukt boekblok en een mooie print aan de binnenkant.

Deze speciale omnibus-editie bevat maarliefst 909 pagina’s! Het zijn alle delen (NL) uit de Jacksonville Rays-serie:

❄️ That One Night (novelle – Jacksonville Rays #0.5)
❄️ Pucking Around (Jacksonville Rays #1)
❄️ Pucking Ever After vol. 1 (novelle – Jacksonville Rays #1.5)


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H.D. Carlton - Nederlands - Paperback

Deze speciale editie van de Nederlandse vertaling van Waar is Molly is verschenen met prachtige sprayed edges.

‘Molly Devereaux wordt al meer dan twee weken vermist. De politie is nog steeds op zoek naar de jonge vrouw die plotseling en zonder enkel spoor is verdwenen. De hele wereld wacht op een antwoord op die ene, cruciale vraag… Waar is Molly?’

Als ik droom, loop ik nog altijd in die bossen van Oregon.

Het leven na de dood is niet makkelijk, zeker niet omdat ik me nog altijd een geest voel. Inmiddels leef ik diep in de bergen van Montana, een prachtige plek. Maar ook hier huist het kwaad. Ook hier gebeuren er vreselijke dingen.

Dingen die ik alleen in het duister van de nacht laat gebeuren, zodat mijn beesten zich ongestoord kunnen voeden.

Een dark romance spin-off van het Kat en muis-duet.

Let op: dit boek is een dark romantasy en kan triggers bevatten. Officiële triggers, gegeven door de auteur:

This is a dark romance that includes triggers such as murder, gore, graphic language, graphic sexual situations, child assault and rape (not depicted), toxic relations between the main characters, child abuse and neglect, suicidal thoughts and ideations, human trafficking, drug and alcohol use, and animals being fed suspect shit (they are not abused, I promise). This book also includes kinks such as biting, breath play, blood play, and degradation.


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Elle Kennedy - Engels - Paperback

New York Times bestselling author of the Briar U series Elle Kennedy’s first hockey romance, Body Check, is now released in an expanded version, with both new and enhanced scenes by the author! More story, more hockey—and more heat!

After a childhood spent being dragged around the country by her hockey coach father, Hayden Houston intends to take some time to figure out her future. Whether that future will include her currently off-again boyfriend remains to be seen. What it certainly won’t include is the for-one-night-only guy she just met at a bar.

It seems hockey star Brody Croft did not get the memo about being temporary. Big, bold and driven, he’s dedicated in everything he does. Up till now, that’s been his team—the one owned by Hayden’s dad. But his night with Hayden has sparked something he didn’t expect. The two of them are good together. Really good. There’s a connection he’s never experienced before, one he knows they’d be wrong to ignore. Even with a game-fixing scandal testing both their loyalties—to teammates, to friends…to family.

Part of Hayden wants to turn tail and run. A complicated relationship with a bad boy hockey player is exactly what she never wanted. But when it comes to Brody, Hayden is realizing that people can be so much more than what they seem.


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Mazey Eddings - Nederlands - Paperback

De loterij winnen heeft Opal Devlins leven verpest. Na het opzeggen van haar uitzichtloze baan waar ze het minimumloon voor kreeg en nog minder respect, wordt ze overspoeld door mensen die bij haar aankloppen voor een aalmoes zodra ze erachter komen dat er nogal wat nullen op haar bankrekening staan. En Opal kan maar niet stoppen met ja zeggen. Haar tere hart is grondig misbruikt en Opal besluit zichzelf te beschermen, wat voor haar betekent dat ze bijna al haar geld steekt in het kopen van een failliete bloemenkwekerij in Asheville, North Carolina. Maar haar plannen voor afzondering en zelfbehoud lopen hopeloos mis wanneer een boze (maar bloedmooie) Pepper Smith haar opwacht op haar nieuwe boerderij. Pepper beweert dat zij de rechtmatige eigenaar is van Thistle and Bloom Farms en dat ze niet verhuist. Het onwaarschijnlijke paar sluit een overeenkomst om samen te gaan wonen, maar ze blijven botsen. Kunnen deze tegenpolen allebei hun dromen tot bloei laten komen? Of zal hun ontvlambare geruzie (en groeiende aantrekkingskracht) de hele boel platbranden?


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Mimi Deb - Engels - Paperback

Escape to Mallorca with this cute, forced proximity romcom – the perfect beach read

A totally gorgeous and escapist romcom. Fans of Beth O’Leary and Emily Henry will be totally hooked from the very first page.

Readers loved Mimi’s debut, Love on the

‘A delicious rom com! In Love on the Menu, Deb pens a stirring story about serendipitous connections and chasing your dreams that readers are sure to enjoy’ Kate Bromley, author of Talk Bookish to Me

‘This slow-burn rom com has the most delicious payoff! With hilarious and witty prose and characters who won’t leave your brain, Love on the Menu is a vibrant, fresh take on modern love!’ Farah Heron, author of Accidentally Engaged

‘A really sweet and warm-hearted read’ Niamh Hargan, author of Twelve Days in May

‘Love on the Menu is a delicious delight! A unique meet-cute that blossoms into a beautifully imagined, gorgeous love story. It’s packed with wisdom, humour and brilliant characters and I adored every page’ Miranda Dickinson, author of All My Love


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Marieke Douwes - Nederlands - Paperback

De eerste druk van Mijn hart in jouw handen is verschenen met prachtig, bedrukt boekblok! (op = op)

Esmeralda runt met veel plezier een cadeauwinkel De Smaragd, waar ze onder andere edelstenen en dromenvangers verkoopt. Op een dag loopt haar vroegere liefde Mark de winkel binnen. Na een moeizame start raken Esmeralda en Mark weer bevriend en er lijkt iets moois op te bloeien. Maar de timing kon niet slechter: Esmeralda moet binnenkort een openhartoperatie ondergaan. En de toekomst daarna is allerminst zeker…

Mijn hart in jouw handen is een originele en herkenbare roman die de lezers recht in het hart zal raken.


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Holly Jackson - Engels - Hardback

The finale to A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder series. By the end of this mystery series, you’ll never think of good girls the same way again…

Pip is about to head to college, but she is still haunted by the way her last investigation ended. She’s used to online death threats in the wake of her viral true-crime podcast, but she can’t help noticing an anonymous person who keeps asking her: Who will look for you when you’re the one who disappears?

Soon the threats escalate and Pip realizes that someone is following her in real life. When she starts to find connections between her stalker and a local serial killer caught six years ago, she wonders if maybe the wrong man is behind bars.

Police refuse to act, so Pip has only one choice: find the suspect herself—or be the next victim. As the deadly game plays out, Pip discovers that everything in her small town is coming full circle… and if she doesn’t find the answers, this time she will be the one who disappears…


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Elle Kennedy - Nederlands - Paperback

Body Check is een heerlijke ijshockeyromance van internationale bestsellerauteur Elle Kennedy.

Nadat Hayden Houston tijdens haar jeugd het hele land heeft doorkruist met haar vader, een gepassioneerde ijshockeycoach, besluit ze dat het tijd is om haar eigen koers te bepalen. Ze wil niet langer the good girl zijn: het is tijd voor een onenightstand, en ze heeft de perfecte kandidaat gevonden…

IJshockeyer Brody Croft heeft zich altijd gewijd aan één ding: zijn team. Maar door zijn nacht met de sexy Hayden, die tot zijn schrik de dochter van zijn coach blijkt te zijn, denkt hij voor het eerst in tijden aan iets anders dan ijshockey. Hij is er klaar voor zijn reputatie als bad boy op te geven en te gaan settelen. Maar dan moet hij haar eerst zien te overtuigen…


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Lauren Roberts - Engels - Paperback

The kingdom of Ilya is in turmoil…

After surviving the Purging Trials, Ordinary-born Paedyn Gray has killed the King, and kickstarted a Resistance throughout the land. Now she’s running from the one person she had wanted to run to.

Kai Azer is now Ilya’s Enforcer, loyal to his brother Kitt, the new King. He has vowed to find Paedyn and bring her to justice.

Across the deadly Scorches, and deep into the hostile city of Dor, Kai pursues the one person he wishes he didn’t have to. But in a city without Elites, the balance between the hunter and hunted shifts – and the battle between duty and desire is deadly.

Be swept away by this kiss-or-kill romantasy trilogy taking the world by storm.


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K.X. Song - Engels - Hardback

Infused with magic and romance, this sweeping fantasy adventure inspired by the legend of Mulan follows a young woman determined to choose her own destiny—even if that means going against everyone she loves.

The Three Kingdoms are at war, but Meilin’s father refuses to answer the imperial draft. Trapped by his opium addiction, he plans to sell Meilin for her dowry. But when Meilin discovers her husband-to-be is another violent, ill-tempered man, she realizes that nothing will change for her unless she takes matters into her own hands.

The very next day, she disguises herself as a boy and enlists in her father’s place.

In the army, Meilin’s relentless hard work brings her recognition, friendship—and a growing closeness with Sky, a prince turned training partner. But has she simply exchanged one prison for another? As her kingdom barrels toward destruction, Meilin begins to have visions of a sea dragon spirit that offers her true power and freedom, but with a deadly price.

With the future of the Three Kingdoms hanging in the balance, Meilin will need to decide whom to trust—Sky, who inspires her loyalty and love; the sea dragon spirit, who has his own murky agenda; or an infuriating enemy prince who makes her question everything she once knew—about her kingdom and about her own heart.


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K.X. Song - Engels - Hardback

The special first edition hardcover will include a gorgeous, shimmering jacket with effects, brilliantly illustrated four-color endpapers, striking and detailed-stained edges, and a beautiful foil-stamped case.

Infused with magic and romance, this sweeping fantasy adventure inspired by the legend of Mulan follows a young woman determined to choose her own destiny—even if that means going against everyone she loves.

The Three Kingdoms are at war, but Meilin’s father refuses to answer the imperial draft. Trapped by his opium addiction, he plans to sell Meilin for her dowry. But when Meilin discovers her husband-to-be is another violent, ill-tempered man, she realizes that nothing will change for her unless she takes matters into her own hands.

The very next day, she disguises herself as a boy and enlists in her father’s place.

In the army, Meilin’s relentless hard work brings her recognition, friendship—and a growing closeness with Sky, a prince turned training partner. But has she simply exchanged one prison for another? As her kingdom barrels toward destruction, Meilin begins to have visions of a sea dragon spirit that offers her true power and freedom, but with a deadly price.

With the future of the Three Kingdoms hanging in the balance, Meilin will need to decide whom to trust—Sky, who inspires her loyalty and love; the sea dragon spirit, who has his own murky agenda; or an infuriating enemy prince who makes her question everything she once knew—about her kingdom and about her own heart.


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TJ Klune - Engels - Paperback

The stunning edition paperback of Ravensong will feature beautiful sprayed edges. This edition is only available for a limited time and while supplies last.

Ravensong is the second book in the Green Creek Series, the beloved fantasy romance sensation by New York Times bestselling author TJ Klune, about love, loyalty, betrayal, and family.

The Bennett family has a They’re not just a family, they’re a pack. Ravensong is Gordo Livingstone’s story.

Gordo Livingstone never forgot the lessons carved into his skin. Hardened by the betrayal of a pack who left him behind, he sought solace in the garage in his tiny mountain town, vowing never again to involve himself in the affairs of wolves. It should have been enough. And it was, until the wolves came back, and with them, Mark Bennett. In the end, they faced the beast together as a pack… and won.

Now, a year later, Gordo has found himself once again the witch of the Bennett pack. Green Creek has settled after the death of Richard Collins, and Gordo constantly struggles to ignore Mark and the song that howls between them. But time is running out. Something is coming. And this time, it’s crawling from within. Some bonds, no matter how strong, were made to be broken.

The Green Creek Series is for adult readers.


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Jennifer L. Armentrout - Engels - Hardback

Discover the New York Times bestselling series from Jennifer L. Armentrout.

Starting over sucks.
When we moved to West Virginia right before my senior year, I’d pretty much resigned myself to thick accents, dodgy internet access, and a whole lot of boring…until I spotted my hot neighbor, with his looming height and eerie green eyes. Things were looking up.
And then he opened his mouth.
Daemon is infuriating. Arrogant. Stab-worthy. We do not get along. At all. But when a stranger attacks me and Daemon literally freezes time with a wave of his hand, well, something…unexpected happens.
The hot alien living next door marks me.
You heard me. Alien. Turns out Daemon and his sister have a galaxy of enemies wanting to steal their abilities, and Daemon’s touch has me lit up like the Vegas Strip. The only way I’m getting out of this alive is by sticking close to Daemon until my alien mojo fades.
If I don’t kill him first, that is.


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Lauren Roberts - Engels - Hardback

Paedyn and Kai battle with duty and desire in this highly anticipated second installment in the sizzling and epic romantic fantasy trilogy that’s packed with spicy tension and edge-of-your-seat betrayal.

The kingdom of Ilya is in turmoil…

After surviving the Purging Trials, Ordinary-born Paedyn Gray has killed the King and kickstarted a Resistance throughout the land. Now she’s running from the one person she had wanted to run to.

Kai Azer is now Ilya’s Enforcer, loyal to his brother Kitt, the new King. He has vowed to find Paedyn and bring her to justice.

Across the deadly Scorches, and deep into the hostile city of Dor, Kai pursues the one person he wishes he didn’t have to. But in a city without Elites, the balance between the hunter and hunted shifts–and the battle between duty and desire is deadly.


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Jennifer L. Armentrout - Engels - Paperback

You must stay away from the one who brings nothing but heartache and death. Know the difference between need and love, fate and future.

Alex would give anything to be a normal half-blood, but she can’t escape her destiny: On her eighteenth birthday, she will Awaken to become the second Apollyon, which has only ever happened once before. And it didn’t end well.

Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if her “other half” Seth weren’t so infuriating…and somehow always around. Their connection does have some benefits, like staving off her nightmares of the tragic showdown with her mother, but it doesn’t stop Alex from becoming a target for daimons, half-bloods, and pures who don’t want her to make it to her eighteenth birthday at all.

As if fighting for her life weren’t bad enough, she also battles her heart as she tries to bury her feelings for the forbidden, pure-blooded Aiden. But as daimons infiltrate the Covenants and a mysterious threat looms over Alex at every turn, it is clear Aiden will do and sacrifice anything for her. When even the gods get involved, Alex can’t help but wonder–how many people need to get hurt in order for her to survive?


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Cassandra Clare - Engels - Hardback

Celebrate the magic of the Mortal Instruments with this gorgeous new Collector’s Edition, complete with stunning new cover artwork and a letter from Cassie.

A must-have gift for any Shadowhunter fan, revisit the magic with this lavish new hardback edition of City of Glass, featuring new cover art, stunning endpapers and a letter from Cassie. Amid the chaos of war, the Shadowhunters must decide to fight with the vampires, werewolves and other Downworlders or against them.

Meanwhile, Jace and Clary have their own decision to make: should they pursue the love they know is a mortal sin?


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Geneva Lee - Engels - Paperback

Order now and receive the stunning DELUXE FIRST PRINT RUN while supplies last

“You made a bargain…
Your soul for his―and now, you are mine.”

Cate Holloway knows the unspoken rule of New Orleans: avoid the powerful Gage crime family at all costs. Of course, that was before her brother got caught in their chaos. Now

Cate has no choice but to confront the dark and forbidding prince of New Orleans himself and beg for her brother’s life.

But Lachlan Gage is as lethal as he is beautiful…and the only currency he’s interested in is her soul.

Because Lachlan isn’t just some ruthless criminal. He’s fae. And he has his own secret reasons for binding her to him.

Tricked and desperate, Cate is torn between humanity and the breathtaking Otherworld. A place filled with shadows and secrets, with members of each fae court plotting against her just as her captor’s motives for trapping her become more mysterious.

And if she can’t break this sinister bargain in the next thirty days, she’ll be bound to the inscrutable yet infuriatingly tempting fae prince and his deadly world…forever.


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Tom de Cock - Nederlands - Paperback

Lily Rieder-Dubois is zestien en president van een gebroken land. Alle blikken zijn op haar gericht. Jongeren kijken vol vurige verwachting naar haar op. Volwassenen kijken angstig op haar neer. Oude vijanden spieden likkebaardend door de nieuwe barst in de Waterwal.

Maar Lily’s grootste zorg is de Storm die komt en elk ademend wezen op aarde meedogenloos zal uitroeien. Terwijl haar kennis groeit, roept elke ontdekking nieuwe vragen op. Niemand ziet een uitweg, maar daar kan Lily zich onmogelijk bij neerleggen.

In het bonte gezelschap van haar trouwste bondgenoten vertrekt Lily op een ultieme diplomatieke missie. Ze moet en zal antwoorden vinden en de wereld verenigen. Een wereld vol Muren, waarachter de meest waanzinnige dingen broeien…

Dit is het derde deel uit de LILY-saga. LILY kreeg in Nederland de prestigieuze titel Beste Boek voor Jongeren 2022.

Tom De Cock is constant verbaasd en geïnteresseerd in letterlijk alles. Hij is elke weekavond te horen op Qmusic en legt dagelijks zijn ziel in podcasts, televisie en boeken. Hij woont samen met zijn man, dochter en pleegzoon in Leuven. LILY is zijn bekroonde youngadult-debuut voor iedereen die jong is of zich zo voelt.


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Sarah Beth Durst - Engels - Hardback

The stunning edition Hardcover of The Spellshop will feature beautiful lavender spray-painted edges. This edition is only available for a limited time and while supplies last.

The Spellshop is Sarah Beth Durst’s romantasy debut-a lush cottagecore tale full of stolen spellbooks, unexpected friendships, sweet jams, and even sweeter love.

Join Kiela the librarian and her assistant, Caz the sentient spider plant, as they navigate the low stakes market of illegal spellmaking and the high risk business of starting over.

Kiela has always had trouble dealing with people. Thankfully, as librarian at the Great Library of Alyssium, she hasn’t had to.

She and her assistant, Caz, a magically sentient spider plant, have spent the last eleven years sequestered among the empire’s most precious spellbooks, preserving their magic for the city’s elite. But when a revolution begins and the library goes up in flames, she and Caz save as many books as they can carry and flee to a faraway island Kiela was sure she’d never return to: her childhood home. Kiela hopes to lay low in the overgrown and rundown cottage her late parents left her and figure out a way to survive without drawing the attention of either the empire or the revolutionaries. Much to her dismay, in addition to a nosy–and very handsome–neighbor, she finds the town neglected and in a state of disrepair.

The empire, for all its magic and power, has been neglecting for years the people who depend on magical intervention to maintain healthy livestock and crops. Not only that, but the very magic that should be helping them has been creating destructive storms that have taken a toll on the island. Due to her past role at the library, Kiela feels partially responsible for this, and now she’s determined to find a way to make things right: by opening the island’s first-ever secret spellshop.

Her plan comes with risks–the consequence of sharing magic with commoners is death. And as Kiela comes to make a place for herself among the kind and quirky townspeople of her former home, she realizes that in order to make a life for herself, she must learn to break down the walls she has built up so high.

Like a Hallmark rom-com full of mythical creatures and fueled by cinnamon rolls and magic, Sarah Beth Durst’s The Spellshop will heal your heart and feed your soul.


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Tricia Levenseller - Engels - Hardback

Featuring spray-painted and stenciled edges, a metallic foil case stamp, detailed map endpapers, a deleted scene and a ribbon, The Darkness Between Us is a wickedly delightful companion novel to Tricia Levenseller’s The Shadows Between Us.

Chrysantha Stathos has won.

By hiding her intelligence and ambition behind the mask of a beautiful air-headed girl, she has gathered important secrets, earned her father’s constant care, and become a wealthy duchess—all by age nineteen. Now, she is only one elderly, dying duke away from having all the freedom, money, and safety she’s ever wanted.

Or so she thought.

Turns out her little sister somehow snatched the true victory away from her: Alessandra is wedding the Shadow King, the most powerful man in the world. Meanwhile, after the death of Chrysantha’s no-good, lecherous husband, a man claiming to be the duke’s estranged grandson turns up to inherit everything that should be hers.

Chrysantha is enraged. There is no way that she’s going to let some man take everything from her. Never mind that he’s extremely handsome and secretive and alluring with mysterious powers… No, Chrysantha wants Eryx Demos dead, and in the end, a Stathos girl always gets what she wants.


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Tamara Postma - Nederlands - Paperback

Alles wat ik aan je haatte is het eerste deel in de romantische serie Oxymoron van auteur Tamara Postma.

Zij en ik. Wij zijn een oxymoron. Twee begrippen die op het eerste gezicht niet samen lijken te gaan, maar elkaar versterken als ze gecombineerd worden. Twee mensen die niet meer van elkaar kunnen verschillen. Zij is vuur, ik ben ijs. Zij heeft het vermogen me te laten smelten met een enkele oogopslag.

Jamie en Hazel zijn elkaars tegenpolen. Zij houdt van kleur, glitters en is een ontzettende flierefluiter; hij houdt van grijs, verzamelt dure horloges en is een enorme workaholic. Toch zitten ze hun hele leven al met elkaar opgescheept, aangezien ze op dezelfde dag zijn geboren en hun moeders elkaars beste vriendinnen zijn. Het perfecte recept voor een opbloeiende liefde, toch?

Niets is minder waar, Jamie en Hazel koesteren een diepgewortelde afkeer voor elkaar en zetten alles op alles om elkaar het leven zuur te maken. Maar, zoals het gezegde luidt: de grens tussen haat en liefde is dun…


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Raven Kennedy - Engels - Hardback

This first print run will feature: gold-coloured sprayed edges, printed naked hard case, new end sheets, author’s note and digital signature, and a matte dust jacket with spot gloss on title.

From internationally bestselling author and TikTok phenom Raven Kennedy comes the fourth book in a stunning new fantasy series inspired by the myth of King Midas, perfect for fans of Sarah J Maas and Jennifer L Armentrout.

“I was nothing but a road to Midas. A means to get to where he wanted to go, and I paved that path in gold.”

My life has been made up of gilded lies. But death has been shaped from rot.

Like a phoenix caught fire, I will need to rise from the ashes and learn to wield my own power. Because my wings may have been clipped, but I am not in a cage, and I’m finally free to fly from the frozen kingdoms I’ve been kept in.

Yet the world doesn’t want to let me.

That’s the thing when you turn against a king–everyone else turns against you.

Good thing I have a different king in my corner.

But even with the dark threat of Sladea Ravinger, the other monarchs are coming for me.

So I will fight for him and he will kill for me, and if we need to become the villains, then so be it.

Because so long as I live in this world, I won’t be used again.


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V.E. Schwab - Engels - Hardback

The precarious equilibrium among the four Londons has reached its breaking point. Once brimming with the red vivacity of magic, darkness casts a shadow over the Maresh Empire, leaving a space for another London to rise. Kell-once assumed to be the last surviving Antari-begins to waver under the pressure of competing loyalties.

Lila Bard, once a commonplace-but never common-thief, has survived and flourished through a series of magical trials. But now she must learn to control the magic, before it bleeds her dry. Meanwhile, the disgraced Captain Alucard Emery and the Night Spire crew are attempting a race against time to acquire the impossible, as an ancient enemy returns to claim a crown and a fallen hero is desperate to save a decaying world…

A Conjuring of Light is het derde deel in de Shades of Magic serie, bestaande uit: A Darker Shade of Magic (verkrijgbaar in paperback of hardback collectors-edition), A Gathering of Shadows en A Conjuring of light.


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Katherine Blake - Engels - Paperback

n aspiring makeup artist takes on predatory Hollywood in this addictive debut novel with bite—a sultry, thrilling blend of The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, Killing Eve, and A Promising Young Woman. It’s 1950 and Loretta Reynolds is newly arrived in Hollywood, fresh off a con that brought her from England to the sunny shores of California. She’s running away from a complicated past to fulfill her ambition of becoming a makeup artist to the stars.  When her new husband, a would-be actor, takes her to a sex-fueled Hollywood party on their wedding night—hoping to trade her to a powerful director for a favor—she discovers the dark side of Tinseltown and sets out on a path of revenge against the cruel men who use their money and power to play with lives and dreams.  In her quest for vengeance, Loretta gathers a band of La-La-Land a fading starlet past her prime, a friendly neighborhood sex worker, and a brooding screenwriter who proves yes, not all men are evil—just most . . .  Now, Loretta is about to get her big break—and Hollywood better beware. Loretta has learned a lot about makeup, and more. . . and some of her clients might not make it out alive.


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Andrzej Sapkowski - Nederlands - Hardback

De eerste druk van Het bloed van de Elfen verschijnt met een prachtige naked hardcover onder het stofomslag.

‘Het ambitieuze antwoord op Game of Thrones.’ VPRO Gids

Al meer dan vijfhonderd jaar leven mensen, dwergen, gnomen, halflingen en elfen vredig samen. Maar nu gebeuren er vreemde dingen die de betrekkelijke rust verstoren: dwergen vermoorden hun soortgenoten en elfen vatten de wapens op tegen elkaar én tegen mensen.

Te midden van alle beroering wordt Ciri geboren, de kleindochter van koningin Calanthe, de Leeuwin van Cintra. De witchers hebben met smart op haar komst gewacht. Ciri is namelijk de Vlam: het kind van de profetie dat de wereld voorgoed zal veranderen, ten goede of ten kwade. Het is aan Geralt, de witcher van Rivia, om Ciri te beschermen en ­iemand te vinden die haar leert hoe ze zich haar magische gaven eigen kan ­maken en, vooral, te beheersen.

In de pers

‘Over legendes en tovenarij wordt niet kinderachtig gedaan, sprookjesachtige vertellingen worden gecombineerd met horrorelementen. De meerwaarde van The Witcher is voelbaar.’ NRC

‘Was magie in Game of Thrones eigenlijk bijzaak, in de Witcher-reeks wordt de volumeknop met magie, heksen & monsters vol opengedraaid (…) Ten zeerste aan te raden, ook voor hen die niet honderd miljoen uur achter hun PlayStation hebben doorgebracht.’ Trouw

‘Kan zich meten met de beste fantasyseries.’ Veronica Superguide


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B.K. Borison - Engels - Paperback

Two opposites will find out if one night together is enough to get each other out of their systems in the final book in the beloved Lovelight series.

Nova Porter isn’t looking for love, and she certainly has no explanation for her attraction to buttoned-up, three-piece-suit-wearing investment banker Charlie Milford. Maybe it’s his charm? Or maybe it’s his determination to help her fledgling business however he can. Either way, she’s distracted every time he’s around. With her new tattoo studio set to open in her hometown of Inglewild, she doesn’t have time for frivolous flirtations.

In an effort to get Charlie out of her system once and for all, Nova offers a proposition. One night. No strings. They’ll kick their uncomfortable attraction to the curb and return to their respective responsibilities. But their explosive night together scatters their expectations like fallen leaves. And with Charlie in town as the temporary head of Lovelight Farms, Nova can’t quite avoid him.

And Charlie? Well, Charlie knows a good investment when he sees one. He’s hoping he can convince Nova he’s worth some of her time.


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Cathryn Kemp - Engels - Hardback

In 17th-century Rome, men are falling like flies and nobody knows why…Hidden within the alleys and shadows of the Eternal City lies a criminal magical underworld of witches, sorceresses and a mysterious circle of female poisoners working under the guise of a cosmetics shop.Since her childhood in Palermo, Giulia has dedicated her life to helping the broken and abused – the wives, daughters, and mistresses of Italy. She is known to be many things – healer, midwife, abortionist and poisoner. It only takes a few drops of an undetectable lethal poison to murder each of Giulia’s victims, which come to number a thousand men.Pope Alessandro VII is determined to rid the city of witches and heretics, including this circle of murderous poisoners. But what great lengths will he go to stop these cunning women?


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Timothy Janovsky - Engels - Paperback

In this sexy, emotionally satisfying LGBTQIA+ romance, a grumpy sommelier and a flirty mixologist just might be the perfect pairing…

Rivalry never tasted so good.

O’ little town of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania—it may be charming, but Julien Boire can’t wait to get out of there. Soon he’ll be leaving to take an advanced wine course that will put him on track to become a master sommelier. Meantime, his OCD demands he keep clear of distractions, especially the hot new hire at his aunt and uncle’s restaurant, Martin’s Place.

Which should be easy, because Greg Harlow is as ill-suited to Julien as a bold cabernet is to a delicate salmon entrée. As charismatic and confident as Julien is tightly wound, Greg is a TikTok mixologist who could charm a paper bag. One thing they do have in common: neither wants a relationship.

Greg’s history with dating is…complicated. Yet working together isn’t. First, they’re teaming up to launch a series of happy hour events at Martin’s Place. Then they’re agreeing to a no-strings sex pact that involves new worlds of experimentation. Nothing is off-limits. Except a future.

It’s exactly how Julien wants it. Except for the little part of him that wonders if maybe he’s about to lose the kind of happy that could last much longer than an hour…


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Paula Ottoni - Engels - Paperback

Celebrated Brazilian author Paula Ottoni makes her English-language adult romance debut with a hilarious, heartwarming romance about finding happiness in unexpected places—maybe even in your very own apartment…

To find true happiness, they’ll have to fake it first.

Sol Carvalho desperately wants to get ahead in her career—and where better to do that than Copenhagen, the happiest city on earth? But there’s more to this place than cozy sweaters and hot cocoa; there’s a rich, vibrant culture the Brazilian game developer is eager to drink in. Especially since her boss wants to hand a promotion to someone who’s ready to put down roots in Denmark—which means having a steady place to live and an even steadier significant other. And Sol, unfortunately, has neither.

Unless she can convince Viking look-alike Erik Storm to be her roommate…and maybe even her fake boyfriend?

But Erik lost everything the last time he got involved with a roommate, including his job and the app he’d developed. Convincing him to take a risk on her is a big ask, but Sol is up for the challenge. As long as she can ignore how he fills a room with that broad chest and somehow makes stoic brooding look sexy.

Instead, she’ll win him over with the end her promotion will bring down their mutual tech nemesis. Before long, though, the lines between what’s fake and what’s real blur. And when their ruse reaches its boiling point, they’ll both have to Should they trust their hearts to a roommate this time?


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Lana Ferguson - Engels - Paperback

A hockey player and a baker shoot their shot in this steamy new romance.

When a very public breakup becomes a PR nightmare for Ian Chase’s team, he hopes to focus on his game, but that suddenly seem less likely than a hat trick. With his career and the team’s image in jeopardy, Ian is surprised to find a solution through none other than Delilah Baker, his best friend and teammate’s little sister…who isn’t so little anymore.

Delilah Baker is known as “the darling of baking” on her local cable show, and being in the public eye is her bread and butter. But with her numbers dwindling and her producers turning up the heat, Delilah offers up the half-baked idea to collaborate with her brother’s team to entice the hockey fans of Boston to tune in to her show. Delilah thinks it will be a piece of cake—until the team sends Ian Chase, her brother’s best friend and the object of a decade-long crush that she’s never quite gotten over.

Delilah’s and Ian’s teams think it’s a true win-win situation—gaining higher numbers for Delilah’s show and casting Ian in a more positive light. And viewers are eating them up like a cupcake, sparking the idea to play up their relationship for the goal of good press. With more than just their careers on thin ice, the line between what’s real and what’s for show begins to blur, but one thing’s for certain: This PR stunt will either be a total game changer—or leave them both totally pucked.


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Hannah Lynn - Engels - Paperback

A daughter pulled between two worlds and a mother willing to destroy both to protect her… Demeter: a goddess of life, living half of one. Demeter did not always live in fear.

Once, she loved the world and the humans who inhabited it. But after an act of devastating violence, she hides herself away among the grasses and wildflowers. Her only solace is her daughter…Before she was Persephone, she was Core.

Core is as bright as summer and devoted to her mother, even during their millennia in exile from Olympus. But she craves freedom. Naïve and determined, she secretly builds a life of her own?and as she does so, she catches the eye of a powerful god…The daughters of Olympus will have the last word…Hades kidnaps Core and renames her as Queen of the Underworld.

In the land without sun, she realises she may have a chance to regain what she thought she’d lost forever. But Demeter will destroy anything?even the humans she holds dear?to bring her daughter back. A mother who has lost everything and a daughter with more to gain than she ever realised will irrevocably shape the world: all in the name of something as human as love.

Gods and men wage their petty wars, but the women of spring will have the last word. Tropes:Dual POVPowerful WomenFemale RageComing of AgeLGBTQGreek MythologyThis lush, emotional retelling of the story of Persephone and Demeter is perfect for fans of Madeleine Miller and Claire Heywood.


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Jenny Colgan - Nederlands - Paperback

Tussen de regels is het tweede deel van een driedelige serie van Jenny Colgan, over een Engelse kostschool aan zee. Maggie’s eerste jaar als lerares bij Downey House was een verrassend succes. Nadat ze de overstap maakte van een school in de binnenstad van Glasgow, heeft ze het rustigere tempo van het meisjesinternaat aan zee leren waarderen. Nu ze ook verloofd is met haar oude vriend, de lieve en vaste Stan, moet Maggie gewoon ophouden met aan David McDonald te denken, haar collega op de jongensschool verderop. Zal dat haar lukken? Zelfs als Maggie binnen de lijntjes probeert te blijven, worden overal om haar heen regels overtreden. Maggie’s baas, directrice Veronica Deveral, heeft meer te verliezen dan wie dan ook. Wanneer Daniel Stapleton bij de faculteit komt, wordt Veronica gedwongen een schandalig geheim onder ogen te zien waarvan ze dacht dat ze het voor altijd had begraven. Hoelang zal ze haar verleden geheim kunnen houden? Na een zomervakantie samen in Spanje zijn Fliss en Alice dikke vrienden. Maar het nieuws dat Will, de geheime crush van Fliss, nu naar de jongensschool gaat, veroorzaakt wrijving wanneer Will meer geïnteresseerd lijkt in Alice dan in Fliss…


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Rufaro Faith Mazarura - Nederlands - Paperback

Let the Games Begin van Rufaro Faith Mazarura is een zinderende romcom over liefde in het olympisch dorp. Een originele en sexy sports romance vol humor en ontroerende momenten.

Wanneer Olivia in Athene aankomt voor haar nieuwe baan bij het Internationaal Olympisch Comité, ontdekt ze dat haar functie al is toebedeeld aan de zoon van een miljardair. Er zit maar één ding op: helpen als vrijwilliger in het olympisch dorp.

Zeke is in Athene om zijn titel als snelste man ter wereld te verdedigen, maar de wedstrijd roept ongemakkelijke herinneringen op uit zijn verleden. En terwijl de openingsceremonie dichterbij komt, maakt hij zich zorgen over de toekomst van zijn sportcarrière.

Als Zeke en Olivia elkaar letterlijk tegen het lijf lopen, staan ze meteen op gespannen voet. Maar wanneer hun wegen elkaar blijven kruisen, worden ze steeds hechter. Kan hun opbloeiende romance de eindstreep halen, of zijn er simpelweg te veel hordes om te nemen?


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S.J. Tilly - Nederlands - Paperback

Deze speciale editie van de Nederlandse vertaling van Nero verschijnt met prachtige sprayed edges. De edges van de hele serie gaan in elkaar overlopen.

Oké, het zal wel m’n eigen schuld zijn dat ik aannam dat de man met wie ik een date had, níét getrouwd was. En oeps, sorry dat ik hem meenam naar het etentje bij een vriendin thuis om erachter te komen dat die vriendin ook bevriend zijn met zijn vrouw. Want hé, hij is getrouwd! En zij was toevallig ook een avondje bij haar vriendin – míjn vriendin – want haar man had gezegd dat hij moest werken.
Ingewikkeld? Vertel mij wat.
En verrassing! De vrouw van mijn date is woedend als ze erachter komt dat haar man een vreemdgaande klootzak is.
Meid, ik snap je helemaal.
En wat het allemaal nog erger maakt, is de man die naast de vrouw van mijn date zit. Hij heet King en is haar broer. Zijn naam past perfect bij hem.
Aangezien mijn date dus een leugenachtige rotzak is, voel ik me totaal niet schuldig als het water me in de mond loopt bij het zien van King en ik schaam me er ook niet voor, want ik ga hem toch nooit meer zien.
Althans, dat was het plan.
Het plan was dat ik een Uber zou nemen naar het appartement van de leugenachtige klootzak om mijn autosleutels te pakken. En dat zou ik snel doen ook.
Ik had rekening gehouden met duizenden scenario’s, maar niet met het scenario waarbij ik ooggetuige zou zijn van de moord op de overspelige rotzak, gekidnapt zou worden door zijn moordenaar en vervolgens gedwongen zou worden om te trouwen met de aantrekkelijke, maar duidelijk compleet gestoorde crimineel. Dat stond níét op mijn bingokaart.
Dus hé… blijkbaar had ik het mis.

Let op: dit boek is een dark romantasy en kan triggers bevatten.


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Sarah Beth Durst - Engels - Hardback

The Spellshop is Sarah Beth Durst’s romantasy debut-a lush cottagecore tale full of stolen spellbooks, unexpected friendships, sweet jams, and even sweeter love.

Join Kiela the librarian and her assistant, Caz the sentient spider plant, as they navigate the low stakes market of illegal spellmaking and the high risk business of starting over.

Kiela has always had trouble dealing with people. Thankfully, as librarian at the Great Library of Alyssium, she hasn’t had to.

She and her assistant, Caz, a magically sentient spider plant, have spent the last eleven years sequestered among the empire’s most precious spellbooks, preserving their magic for the city’s elite. But when a revolution begins and the library goes up in flames, she and Caz save as many books as they can carry and flee to a faraway island Kiela was sure she’d never return to: her childhood home. Kiela hopes to lay low in the overgrown and rundown cottage her late parents left her and figure out a way to survive without drawing the attention of either the empire or the revolutionaries. Much to her dismay, in addition to a nosy–and very handsome–neighbor, she finds the town neglected and in a state of disrepair.

The empire, for all its magic and power, has been neglecting for years the people who depend on magical intervention to maintain healthy livestock and crops. Not only that, but the very magic that should be helping them has been creating destructive storms that have taken a toll on the island. Due to her past role at the library, Kiela feels partially responsible for this, and now she’s determined to find a way to make things right: by opening the island’s first-ever secret spellshop.

Her plan comes with risks–the consequence of sharing magic with commoners is death. And as Kiela comes to make a place for herself among the kind and quirky townspeople of her former home, she realizes that in order to make a life for herself, she must learn to break down the walls she has built up so high.

Like a Hallmark rom-com full of mythical creatures and fueled by cinnamon rolls and magic, Sarah Beth Durst’s The Spellshop will heal your heart and feed your soul.


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Kandi Steiner - Nederlands - Paperback

Deze speciale editie van ‘Liefdesbrief aan Whiskey’ verschijnt met bedrukking op het boekblok.

De internationale bestseller nu eindelijk ook in het Nederlands!

Ik zag hem als eerste.
Maar dat maakte niets uit.
Want zijn oog viel op haar.

Hij was mijn beste vriend, en ik de zijne.
We konden niet samen zijn, maar zonder elkaar leven was onmogelijk.

Als je niet echt geliefden bent, maar wel zo veel meer dan vrienden… Wat ben je dan eigenlijk van elkaar?

‘Dit boek liet me sprakeloos achter. Kandi Steiner is een genie’

Lezersreview Goodreads

‘Een van de meest prachtig geschreven verhalen die ik ooit heb gelezen’

Lezersreview Goodreads


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Cora Carmack - Nederlands - Paperback

Mackenzie ‘Max’ Miller heeft een probleempje. Haar ouders komen onverwachts langs en weten nog niet dat ze tattoos en piercings heeft laten zetten. Ook verwachten ze de ideale schoonzoon te ontmoeten. Haar ruige, vrij onbeschofte vriendje is niet bepaald de ideale schoonzoon (en ook niet het ideale vriendje, als Max eerlijk is). Ze durft haar ouders nog niet de waarheid te vertellen. Dan ontmoet ze Cade.

Cade is net naar Philadelphia verhuisd en probeert zijn acteercarrière van de grond te krijgen. Max krijgt Cade zo ver dat hij zolang haar ouders in de stad zijn doet of hij haar vriendje is. Maar Cade speelt de rol iets te goed, en nu willen Max’ ouders dat hij met kerst komt logeren. En hoe langer ze doen alsof, des te echter het allemaal begint te lijken…

Faking it is het tweede deel van een zeer succesvolle trilogie. Alle delen zijn los van elkaar te lezen. De andere delen heten Losing it en Finding it.


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Cora Carmack - Nederlands - Paperback

Kelsey Summers verbergt zich achter haar reputatie als verwend feestbeest, maar is stiekem nogal eenzaam. Ze wil vluchten voor haar verleden en heeft nog geen enkel idee wat ze wil gaan doen met haar leven na haar afstuderen. Ze besluit door Europa te gaan rondreizen, op zoek naar avontuur en zichzelf. Daar ontmoet ze de knappe, mysterieuze Jackson Hunt. De twee blijven elkaar maar tegenkomen en spreken uiteindelijk af om een tijdje samen te reizen.

Kelsey voelt zich enorm aangetrokken tot Jackson. Hun dagen brengen ze door in de meest romantische plaatsjes, en ze valt elke dag meer en meer voor hem. Maar hoeveel weet ze eigenlijk van Jackson? Het lijkt erop dat hij misschien wel heel wat te verbergen heeft…

Finding it is het derde deel van een zeer succesvolle trilogie. Alle delen zijn los van elkaar te lezen. De andere delen heten Losing it en Faking it.


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Cora Carmack - Nederlands - Paperback

Deel 1 in de populaire romantische trilogie van bestsellerauteur Cora Carmack.

Bliss Edwards is bijna afgestudeerd en heeft ‘het’ als enige in haar vriendengroep nog niet gedaan. Ze vindt dat daar gauw maar eens verandering in moet komen en de simpelste methode lijkt haar een onenightstand.

Maar dat blijkt nog niet zo eenvoudig als ze had gedacht. Na een avondje uit belandt Bliss eindelijk met een knappe man in bed, maar dan raakt ze in paniek en gaat ze ervandoor. En alsof haar overhaaste vertrek nog niet awkward genoeg was: als ze de volgende ochtend het lokaal van de nieuwe docent drama binnenloopt, herkent ze de man die ze acht uur eerder naakt achterliet in haar bed…

Losing it is het eerste deel van een zeer succesvolle trilogie. Het stond hoog op de New York Times– en de USA Today-bestsellerlijsten. De vervolgdelen heten Faking it en Finding it.


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Adam Silvera - Nederlands - Paperback

Op 5 september, iets na middernacht krijgt Mateo een telefoontje. Het is Death-Cast, de organisatie die mensen inlicht dat ze binnen 24 uur zullen sterven. Ook Rufus wordt gebeld. De twee kennen elkaar niet, maar sluiten vriendschap tijdens hun End Day. Ze beslissen samen nog een laatste avontuur te beleven, een onvergetelijke dag die hun beider levens voor altijd zal veranderen. Maar maak je geen illusies: op het einde gaan ze allebei dood.


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Xiran Jay Zhao - Nederlands - Hardback

OP = OP! Dit is de Nederlandse Limited Edition (SMP-Exclusive) van Iron Widow die ook in de juli boekenbox zat. Het boek is verschenen als hardcover met sprayed edges en dust jacket.

Als de regels oneerlijk zijn, vecht er dan tegen!

De jongens van Huaxia dromen ervan om samen met meisjes Chrysalissen te besturen: gigantische transformerende robots die de strijd aangaan met buitenaardse wezens voorbij de Grote Muur. Dat van hun vrouwelijke copiloten wordt verwacht dat ze als concubines dienen en dat zij vaak sterven door de mentale spanning, maakt niemand iets uit.

Wanneer de 18-jarige Zetian zichzelf aanbiedt als concubine-piloot, is haar plan om de mannelijke piloot te vermoorden die verantwoordelijk is voor de dood van haar zus. Maar nadat Zetian op wonderbaarlijke wijze haar eerste gevecht overleeft, zet ze haar zinnen op een groter doel. Als de IJzeren Weduwe gaat ze er alles aan doen om te voorkomen dat nog meer meisjes worden opgeofferd.

Xiran Jay Zhao is een immigrant van de eerste generatie uit een kleine stad in China. Xiran werd naar eigen zeggen door het internet grootgebracht, woont tegenwoordig in Canada en is verzot op cosplay en mooie outfits. Op YouTube en sociale media is Xiran (@xiranjayzhao) te vinden met lange video’s over de Chinese geschiedenis en cultuur. Iron Widow stond meteen op nummer 1 in vele bestsellerlijsten.


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Ruth Ware - Nederlands - Paperback

De 1e druk van Het Perfecte Stel verschijnt in Limited Edition met bedrukt boekblok.

Het perfecte stel is de nieuwste thriller van dé Queen of Suspense Ruth Ware, bekend van o.a. In een donker, donker bos. Vijf aantrekkelijke stellen. Een dodelijk spel. Wie zal levend ontsnappen? Lyla zit vast in een sleur. Haar PhD-onderzoek gaat geen kant op, haar contract wordt vast niet verlengd, en het gaat niet lekker tussen haar en haar vriend Nico. Dus wanneer ze de kans krijgt om met Nico mee te doen aan het nieuwe reality tv-programma Het perfecte stel, twijfelt ze geen moment. Het koppel reist af naar een tropisch paradijs midden in de Indische Oceaan. Hier zullen ze de strijd aangaan met vier andere stellen om zo een grote geldprijs te winnen. Maar vlak na hun aankomst gaat alles fout. Een woeste storm maakt het eiland onbegaanbaar en het contact met de crew van het programma wordt verbroken. De vijf koppels zullen moeten samenwerken om te overleven, maar al snel verandert de wedstrijd in een spel op leven en dood…


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Tessa Bailey - Engels - Paperback

A sports rom-com about a burly, surly, single dad who falls head-over-hockey-stick for his quirky live-in nanny…

Tallulah is smart, vivacious, and studying to be a marine biologist. She’s also twenty-six and broke. So when Burgess, a battle-scarred hockey veteran and newly single dad, offers her a job as his live-in nanny, she jumps at the opportunity to get paid while living in a super fancy neighborhood and being around Lissa, his cool but introverted tween.

Her tween charge isn’t the only one who could use some help fitting in, though. According to…well, everyone except Burgess, he needs to get back on the dating scene, and adventurous Tallulah is just the girl to show him how. But as boundaries are slowly crossed and Burgess finds himself pulled between his daughter, who wants her parents back together, and his insane chemistry with Tallulah, a huge rift is formed, and Tallulah does the “right” thing—breaks her own heart and walks away.

Though Burgess knows it’s for the best—he’s too jaded, with too much baggage—a chance meeting, and a new push from his daughter, forces him to put everything on the line and fight to prove he learned his lessons well and is worthy of a happily ever after with Tallulah.


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Juliette Cross - Engels - Paperback

There’s a reason no one messes with a grim…

Livvy Savoie is a people person. Not only does she have the magical gift of persuasion, but her natural charisma charms everyone she meets. She hasn’t met a person she didn’t like. Until her annoyingly brilliant competitor walks through the door. No matter how hard she denies it, loathing isn’t the only emotion she feels for him.

Grim reaper Gareth Blackwater is rarely, if ever, moved beyond his broody, stoic state. But the witch he’s partnered with in the public relations contest is destroying his peace of mind. He’s convinced that the flesh-melting attraction he feels for her is merely her witchy magic at work.

But forced proximity proves there is more than magic sparking between them. Livvy learns this enigmatic grim’s abilities are beyond any supernatural she has ever known. And when Livvy becomes the obsessive target of a dangerous wizard, Gareth proves just how powerful he truly is. Because no one is going to hurt his Lavinia.


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T. Kingfisher - Engels - Paperback

A dark retelling of the Brothers Grimm’s Goose Girl, rife with secrets, murder, and forbidden magic

Cordelia knows her mother is unusual. Their house doesn’t have any doors between rooms, and her mother doesn’t allow Cordelia to have a single friend—unless you count Falada, her mother’s beautiful white horse. The only time Cordelia feels truly free is on her daily rides with him. But more than simple eccentricity sets her mother apart. Other mothers don’t force their daughters to be silent and motionless for hours, sometimes days, on end. Other mothers aren’t sorcerers.

After a suspicious death in their small town, Cordelia’s mother insists they leave in the middle of the night, riding away on Falada’s sturdy back, leaving behind all Cordelia has ever known. They arrive at the remote country manor of a wealthy older man, the Squire, and his unwed sister, Hester. Cordelia’s mother intends to lure the Squire into marriage, and Cordelia knows this can only be bad news for the bumbling gentleman and his kind, intelligent sister.

Hester sees the way Cordelia shrinks away from her mother, how the young girl sits eerily still at dinner every night. Hester knows that to save her brother from bewitchment and to rescue the terrified Cordelia, she will have to face down a wicked witch of the worst kind.


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Deborah Harkness - Nederlands - Paperback

NOW A MAJOR SKY TV SERIES. THE NUMBER ONE INTERNATIONAL AND SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER. A Discovery of Witches is the first in the must-have, must-read ALL SOULS series.

It begins with absence and desire. It begins with blood and fear. It begins with a discovery of witches.

Diana Bishop, a young scholar and descendant of witches, discovers a long-lost and enchanted alchemical manuscript deep in Oxford’s Bodleian Library. Its reappearance summons a fantastical underworld, which she must navigate with a vampire, Matthew Clairmont. This manuscript, Ashmole 782, holds the secrets of their past .

. . and the key to their future.

‘Rich, thrilling . . .

captivating’ E L James ‘Intelligent and off-the-wall’ The Sunday Times’I could lose myself in here and never want to come out’ Manda Scott’A bubbling cauldron of illicit desire’ Daily Mail


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Sarah Rees Brennan - Nederlands - Paperback

De Limited Edition van Lang leve het kwaad verschijnt in Limited Edition met bedrukt boekblok!

Voor iedereen die weleens verliefd is geworden op de slechterik. Van New York Times-bestsellerauteur Sarah Rees Brennan komt een wild en geestig verhaal over een jonge vrouw die in haar favoriete fantasyboek terechtkomt – en de slechterik mag spelen… Rae is een enorme boekenwurm en heeft altijd al een zwak gehad voor de slechteriken in de verhalen die ze leest. Ze zijn slim, aantrekkelijk en gaan tot het uiterste om hun doel te bereiken, iets wat voor Rae niet mogelijk is door haar terminale ziekte. Maar op een dag neemt haar leven een onverwachte wending wanneer ze een aantrekkelijk aanbod krijgt: door in haar favoriete boek te stappen kan ze de magie vinden om zichzelf te genezen. Alleen wordt Rae niet wakker als de held van het verhaal, maar als de slechterik. Bovendien is het boek anders dan zij het zich herinnert. Kunnen de slechteriken voor een keer de helden zijn?

‘Brennan toont de vrijheid die komt wanneer je de titel van slechterik aanvaardt.’ Holly Black

‘In deze heerlijke traktatie breekt Brennan typische tropes door middel van humor en vindingrijkheid.’ Leigh Bardugo


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Terry J. Benton-Walker - Engels - Hardback


The White Guy Dies Firs t is a powerful and entertaining collection for YA readers featuring thirteen scary stories in which the white guy dies first.

Edited by Terry J. Benton-Walker, including stories from bestselling and critically acclaimed Adiba Jaigirdar, Alexis Henderson, Chloe Gong, Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé, H. E. Edgmon, Kalynn Bayron, Karen Strong, Kendare Blake, Lamar Giles, Mark Oshiro, Naseem Jamnia, Tiffany D. Jackson, and Terry J. Benton-Walker.


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Neal Shusterman - Engels - Hardback

Bestselling author of Scythe and Challenger Deep Neal Shusterman, here with coauthors Debra Young and Michelle Knowlden, tells an intense yet tender story of two teens, trapped in impossible circumstances and unjust systems, willing to risk everything for love—no matter the consequences.

Adriana knows that if she can manage to keep her head down for the next seven months, she might be able to get through her sentence in the Compass juvenile detention center. Thankfully, she’s allowed to keep her journal, where she writes down her most private thoughts when her feelings get too big.

Until the day she opens her journal and discovers that her thoughts are no longer so private. Someone has read her writings—and has written back. A boy who lives on the other side of the gender-divided detention center. A boy who sparks a fire in her to write back.

Jon’s story is different than Adriana’s; he’s already been at Compass for years and will be in the system for years to come. Still, when he reads the words Adriana writes to him, it makes him feel like the walls that hold them in have melted away.

This fast-paced, highly compelling tour de force novel exposes what life is like in detention—and reveals the hearts of two teens who are forced to live in desperate circumstances.


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Rebecca F. Kenney - Engels - Paperback

Seven years ago, I lost him for good. Now he’s back, but is he still the Jay Gatsby I used to know…or is he something more? Something…darker.

Daisy Finnegan is looking forward to the endless golden freedom of summer. She doesn’t want to think about life after college, or the newly awakened power of her voice, which has a way of making people do frightening things. But when her cousin goes missing at an exclusive house party, Daisy confronts the mysterious host…only to discover the wealthy recluse is Jay Gatsby, her childhood sweetheart―now sinfully hot and impossible to deny.

It isn’t long before Daisy becomes entangled in a web of dizzying wealth and lies and obsession darker than she could have dreamed―culminating in a shocking act of violence that shatters the summer haze and threatens to drown them all.

But it isn’t until Gatsby is shot through the heart―and survives―that Daisy discovers the truth of how Gatsby clawed his way up in the world by selling the secret of immortality to the highest bidder. Now with her friends’ lives at stake, her own untested power still volatile, and an unimaginable threat closing in, Daisy will have to face an impossible choice: side with the man who claimed her body and soul…or with the monsters who would see him lost to her forever.

An addictive and truly original spicy New Adult retelling of The Great Gatsby with a magical twist.


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Bea Fitzgerald - Engels - Hardback

The second fierce, fresh and gloriously romantic YA Greek myth re-imagining, from Bea Fitzgerald, growing TikTok superstar and Sunday Times bestselling author of GIRL, GODDESS, QUEEN. Love caused this war. At least, that’s what the stories will say.

When Cassandra’s patron god, Apollo, offers her the gift of prophecy – and all the power that comes with it – she seizes the opportunity. But when she fails to uphold her end of the agreement, she discovers just how very far she has to fall. No one believes her visions.

Which all seem to be of one girl – and she’s going to start a war. Helen fled Sparta in pursuit of love – though that’s proving more elusive than she’d hoped. Far from home, Helen’s navigating all the politics and backstabbing of the Trojan court.

And one princess seems particularly intent on driving her from the city. . .

But when war finally strikes, it’s more than the army at their walls they must contend with. Cassandra and Helen might hold the key to reweaving fate itself – especially with the prophetic strands drawing them ever closer together. But how do you change your future when the gods themselves are dictating your demise?PRAISE FOR GIRL, GODDESS, QUEEN’A refreshing romp through Greek mythology’ Jennifer Saint, Sunday Times bestselling author of Ariadne’An electrifying romance and a witty, fiercely modern twist’ Beth Reekles, author of The Kissing Booth‘A totally addictive read’ Elodie Harper, Sunday Times bestselling author of The Wolf Den‘Bring[s] to life timeless gods, the complex intimacy of family bonds, a fierce protagonist and a passionate slow-burn romance’ Sue Lynn Tan, Sunday Times bestselling author of Daughter of the Moon Goddess’Ripe with yearning, humour and wit’ Rosie Talbot, author of Sixteen Souls‘Gloriously funny and deeply swoony’ Lizzie Huxley-Jones, author of Make You Mine This Christmas

Let op: dit boek wordt geïmporteerd uit het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Het kan daardoor tot 1-2 weken na release duren voor we het boek in huis hebben.


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Bea Fitzgerald - Nederlands - Hardback

Een nieuw liefdesverhaal van mythische proporties van Bea Fitzgerald!

Een jarenlange oorlog. Honderden dode soldaten in de rivier. En te midden van dit alles: de mooiste vrouw van Griekenland, Helena.

Kassandra is vervloekt: ze kan de toekomst zien, maar niemand gelooft wat ze voorspelt. Wanneer eindelijk iemand haar profetieën over de naderende oorlog serieus neemt, is ze dan ook enorm opgelucht. Maar als ze had mogen kiezen, was ze toch voor iemand anders gegaan dan de legendarische Helena…

Kassandra kan deze vreemdelinge, die haar stad in een slagveld heeft veranderd, niet uitstaan. Ze heeft Helena echter nodig om een gruwelijk lot te voorkomen. En achter Helena’s beroemde schoonheid gaat meer schuil dan ze had vermoed. Een verbond uit noodzaak verandert al snel in een onverwachte band tussen de twee vrouwen, die zelfs Kassandra niet had voorzien.

Dit smeulende enemies-to-lovers verhaal is een LGBTQ+-hervertelling van de Trojaanse oorlog voor jongeren en volwassenen vanaf 15 jaar.


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Julia London - Engels - Paperback

After a near death experience, one woman creates her “reverse” bucket the things she wants to do after death.

Nora November was living life on autopilot before she nearly died in a surfing accident. When she recovers, she realizes how close she came to the end of her life and regrets that she let so many wishes and dreams go undone. There are reasons for that–a pressure-filled career working for her impossible-to-please father and chronic depression to name a few. But with a renewed sense of vigor, she sets out to do all the things she never did before she died. Her “reverse bucket list” includes ordinary aspirations like learning how to cook and cleaning out her late grandpa’s garden. But it also includes finding the man she was unexpectedly locked for hours with in a backroom while being held hostage in a corner store holdup . . . the one who got away.

From New York Times bestselling author Julia London comes an uplifting and heartwarming story of second chances and the power of finding out what makes life worth truly living.


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Tricia Levenseller - Engels - Hardback

Chrysantha Stathos has won.

By hiding her intelligence and ambition behind the mask of a beautiful air-headed girl, she has gathered important secrets, earned her father’s constant care, and become a wealthy duchess—all by age nineteen. Now, she is only one elderly, dying duke away from having all the freedom, money, and safety she’s ever wanted.

Or so she thought.

Turns out her little sister somehow snatched the true victory away from her: Alessandra is wedding the Shadow King, the most powerful man in the world. Meanwhile, after the death of Chrysantha’s no-good, lecherous husband, a man claiming to be the duke’s estranged grandson turns up to inherit everything that should be hers.

Chrysantha is enraged. There is no way that she’s going to let some man take everything from her. Never mind that he’s extremely handsome and secretive and alluring with mysterious powers… No, Chrysantha wants Eryx Demos dead, and in the end, a Stathos girl always gets what she wants.


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Deborah Harkness - Nederlands - Paperback

Diana Bishop, historicus en heks, en haar geliefde Matthew Clairmont, wetenschapper en vampier, komen na hun avonturen in het verleden weer in het heden terecht. Hun zoektocht naar het magische manuscript dat de kennis bevat van alle levende soorten op aarde, zorgt voor nieuwe gevaren, ontmoetingen met oude vijanden en stelt hun allesomvattende liefde voor elkaar opnieuw op de proef. De reis brengt dit bijzondere paar naar eeuwenoude familiehuizen en hypermoderne laboratoria, van de paleizen van Venetië tot de meest hightech wetenschappelijke centra van de wereld. Zullen ze eindelijk ontdekken wat de heksen al zo veel eeuwen weten?

‘Harkness is een van de besten, vergelijkbaar met Diana Gabaldon en Stephenie Meyer.’ Algemeen Dagblad

‘Harkness brengt de wereld van magie op kleurrijke wijze tot leven, met een einde dat doet verlangen naar meer.’ Publishers Weekly

‘Spanning, magie, romantiek – een opwindende en betoverende pageturner.’ Marie Claire


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Tomi Adeyemi - Nederlands - Hardback

Angst en opstand van Tomi Adeyemi is het epische einde van de populaire YA-fantasyserie The Orïsha Legacy.

Bijna hebben Zélie en haar vrienden het paleis van de wrede koning ingenomen. De strijd lijkt voorbij en de overwinning binnen handbereik. Maar dan raakt Zélie plotseling bewusteloos. Als ze weer bijkomt, zit ze opgesloten in een kooi op een schip dat met onbekende bestemming wegvaart. Krijgers met ijzeren schedels voeren haar en haar volk weg van hun thuisland.

Wanneer ze erachter komt dat Baldyr, de leider van de Skulls, hierachter zit, slaat de schrik haar om het hart. Baldyr is uit op haar magische krachten en wil Zélies volk voor eens en altijd vernietigen. Zal het haar en haar vrienden lukken te ontsnappen en bondgenoten te vinden om ook deze laatste vijand te verslaan?

Over de serie:

‘Een ontzettend bijzonder YA-fantasyverhaal dat door iedereen gelezen zou moeten worden!’ Hebban

‘Geen wonder dat de filmrechten verkocht zijn! Het boek stemt ook tot nadenken en houdt ons een spiegel voor van onze verdeelde maatschappij.’ The New York Times

‘Met elementen uit de rijke West-Afrikaanse mythologie blaast Adeyemi nieuw leven in het YA-fantasygenre.’ The Observer


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Deborah Harkness - Nederlands - Paperback

Wanneer historicus Diana Bishop in de Bodleian-bibliotheek in Oxford per toeval een betoverd alchemistisch manuscript opent, dringt er ongewild magie binnen in haar zorgvuldig alledaags gehouden leven. Hoewel ze van een oud heksengeslacht afstamt, wil ze met die familie-erfenis absoluut niets te maken hebben. Maar Diana merkt dat ze de wereld van magie niet meer op afstand kan houden. Verschillende wezens geloven dat het manuscript belangrijke aanwijzingen bevat over verleden en toekomst, en ze willen weten hoe Diana haar hand heeft weten te leggen op het ongrijpbare boekwerk. Onder hen is de vampier Matthew Clairmont, een geneticus met een passie voor Darwin. Diana en Matthew beginnen samen aan een zoektocht om de geheimen van het manuscript te ontrafelen. Maar de relatie die zich tussen de eeuwenoude vampier en de ontwakende heks ontwikkelt, dreigt te knagen aan de fragiele vrede die al zo lang tussen bovennatuurlijke wezens en mensen bestaat, en zet ook Diana’s wereld op zijn kop.


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Colleen Hoover - Nederlands - Paperback

‘Nooit meer’ van Colleen Hoover vertelt het aangrijpende verhaal van Lily, die verliefd wordt op de knappe neurochirurg Ryle. Hij is assertief, koppig en een tikje arrogant, maar ook gevoelig, briljant en dol op Lily. De opbloeiende nieuwe relatie brengt herinneringen terug aan Atlas, haar eerste liefde. Als hij weer in haar leven verschijnt, komt alles wat Lily heeft opgebouwd in gevaar. Dan komt het eropaan dat ze de kracht in zichzelf vindt om te zorgen dat de toekomst geen herhaling wordt van het verleden. Colleen Hoover schreef met ‘Nooit meer’ een persoonlijk emotioneel verhaal met universele zeggingskracht.


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Kennedy Ryan - Engels - Paperback

Twee gebroken harten. Eén tweede kans. Voor ik je laat gaan van Kennedy Ryan is een onvergetelijke second chance romance voor fans van Colleen Hoover en Rebecca Yarros. Yasmen en Josiah zijn zielsverwanten. Ze hebben de once in a lifetime-liefde waar je van droomt: een tijd vol passie, hard werken, grote dromen en veel liefde, ook voor hun twee kinderen. Maar dan treft het noodlot hun familie en het leven waar ze van droomden lijkt onherstelbaar gebroken. Yasmen raakt in een depressie, Josiah stort zich op het runnen van het restaurant en langzaamaan raken ze elkaar kwijt. Tot Yasmen het niet meer aankan en een scheiding aanvraagt. Twee jaar later hebben ze een nieuw ritme gevonden in het co-ouderschap van hun twee kinderen en het runnen van hun succesvolle restaurant. Ook beginnen ze allebei voorzichtig met daten. Maar als magneten blijven Yasmen en Josiah naar elkaar toe bewegen, en beginnen ze zich af te vragen of ze elkaar écht kunnen laten gaan… ‘Rauw, realistisch en schitterend.’ Colleen Hoover ‘Hartverscheurend, sexy en hoopvol. Kennedy Ryan stort haar hele ziel in alles wat ze schrijft.’ Emily Henry


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Toshikazu Kawaguchi - Engels - Hardback

In a small back alley in Tokyo, there is a café which has been serving carefully brewed coffee for more than one hundred years. But this coffee shop offers its customers a unique experience: the chance to travel back in time…

From the author of Before the Coffee Gets Cold comes a story of four new customers each of whom is hoping to take advantage of Cafe Funiculi Funicula’s time-travelling offer.

Among some faces that will be familiar to readers of Kawaguchi’s previous novel, we will be introduced to:

The man who goes back to see his best friend who died 22 years ago
The son who was unable to attend his own mother’s funeral
The man who travelled to see the girl who he could not marry
The old detective who never gave his wife that gift…

This beautiful, simple tale tells the story of people who must face up to their past, in order to move on with their lives. Kawaguchi once again invites the reader to ask themselves: what would you change if you could travel back in time?


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Tillie Cole - Engels - Paperback

Can two broken hearts make a whole. . . ?

After losing her beloved sister three years ago, Savanna Litchfield has been living half a life. When Savannah’s therapist suggests joining a trip around the world for grieving teens she agrees to go clutching tightly to the unread journal her sister left behind.

Seventeen-year-old Cael Woods is angry. One year after losing his older brother his life has spiraled. Once the most promising hockey player in the junior league, Cael can no longer step onto the ice. When his parents sign him up for a trip abroad no part of him wants to go.

As Cael and Savannah embark on a journey they begin to find solace in each other. As they start to heal piece by broken piece, could this be the start of a love they never thought they’d feel again?

A Thousand Broken Pieces is a beautiful and life-affirming novel about grief, love and friendship.


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Coco Mellors - Nederlands - Paperback

De drie zussen Blue kunnen niet meer van elkaar verschillen. Avery, de oudste en ex-verslaafde die advocaat is geworden, woont met haar vrouw in Londen; Bonnie, een voormalig bokser, werkt als uitsmijter in Los Angeles en Lucky, de jongste, is model in Parijs. Er was ook een vierde zus, Nicky, wier onverwachte dood de fundamenten van het gezin heeft doen wankelen. Elke zus probeert Nicky’s dood op haar eigen manier te verwerken. Dan komen de zussen noodgedwongen voor het eerst weer samen in New York om de verkoop tegen te houden van het appartement waarin ze zijn opgegroeid.

Maar het weerzien verloopt allesbehalve soepel. De enige persoon die hen bij elkaar hield is er niet meer, en de zussen moeten opnieuw uitvinden wie ze zijn en wat hen verbindt.

Blue sisters is een warme roman over het leven na verlies en de onverbrekelijke band tussen zussen.


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Elsie Silver - Engels - Paperback

This deluxe edition first print comes with an exclusive spine design

I’ve seen every square inch of Violet Eaton’s delectable body and she has no idea who I am.

Until now.

What happened between us online, in our chats, was meant to stay anonymous and in the past.

Until it didn’t.

It’s a small world, but Ruby Creek is even smaller. When I move to the tiny town, the grumpy facade I’ve created slips when we’re forced to live under the same roof.

Every flush of her cheeks, every time her eyes flare with heat, every time she begs me not to stop, the ice I’ve encased myself in melts. She has me wanting things I can’t want. Things I’ve been dreaming about since I first laid eyes on her two years ago—things I don’t deserve.

But my invisible wounds have the power to ruin us both. As a former soldier, I should have the discipline to walk away, but the more I open up to Violet, the more I want to keep her.

I came back from the war a different man, but my scars are older and deeper than anyone knows—and I planned to keep it that way. I planned to keep my secrets hidden.

Until her.


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Zen Cho - Engels - Paperback

From the outside, Renee Goh’s life looks perfect. She’s thirty and beautiful, runs a glamorous―and profitable―women’s clothing company in London, and is dating a hot Taiwanese pop star.

But Renee is lonely. Estranged from her family in Singapore, she practically lives at the office, and now she’s just been dumped by her supposed boyfriend. Who she never saw anyway, so why is she ruining her Instagram-ready makeup by crying?

Before she can curl up on the couch with a pint of Ben & Jerry’s, Renee’s father calls. He’s retiring, and, thanks to the screw-ups of her wastrel brothers, he is considering her as the next CEO of the family Chahaya Group, one of the largest conglomerates in Southeast Asia. That stamp of her father’s approval would mean everything to Renee, but can she cooperate with the brothers who drove her out of Singapore?

But fate isn’t done with her. That same night, Renee bumps into her first love, Yap Ket Siong, who broke her heart during university. They spend a wonderful night together, but Ket Siong is pursuing a dangerous vengeance for his family. In the light of day is there any hope for the two of them?


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Liz Tomforde - Engels - Paperback


I’m the only woman on staff for the Windy City Warriors, and after years of putting up with a sexist lead doctor, I’m desperate to land my dream job with a new team next year. All I have to do is maintain my professional reputation for my final season in Chicago.

But a Las Vegas run-in with the team’s shortstop threatens it all, leaving me with a fuzzy memory and a ring on my left hand.

Now, not only am I legally bound to the most persistent man I’ve ever met, but thanks to Isaiah’s scheme to save my job, I have to pretend the whole thing was a planned elopement and not a drunken mistake.

Isaiah Rhodes is reckless, impulsive, and frustratingly charming. He’s also my brand-new husband.

They got the saying wrong. What happens in Vegas doesn’t always stay in Vegas… sometimes it follows you right back home.


As the shortstop for Chicago’s professional baseball team, I’ve had my fair share of fun. But that all ended the day Kennedy Kay became a single woman.

I’ve crushed on the team’s athletic trainer for years. I’ve flirted to no avail, so imagine my surprise when I woke up in Sin City with a ring on my finger and my favorite redhead in my bed.

We agree to stay married for one baseball season, just long enough to keep her job safe, but in my mind, I’m using our time together to prove to her I’m husband material.

Kennedy might be reluctant to join in on our game, but it’s one I refuse to lose.

So come on, wife… play along.


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Jennifer L. Armentrout - Nederlands - Paperback

De 1e druk van Vlees en Vuur verschijnt in Limited Edition met kleur op snee en fanart op de schutbladen.

In dit bloedstollende vervolg op Licht in de Vlam bundelen Sera en Nyktos opnieuw hun krachten om Kolis te weerstaan en de vernietiging van de verschillende rijken te voorkomen. Een verraderlijke daad zorgt ervoor dat zowel Sera als Nyktos gevangen worden gehouden door Kolis. Sera moet alles op alles zetten om hen vrij te krijgen en zo een oorlog te voorkomen. Niets kan haar echter voorbereiden op de wreedheid die ze aan Kolis’ hof aantreft en de schokkende waarheden die daar worden onthuld.


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Elena Armas - Engels - Paperback

Josie Moore has given the opposite sex—and love—plenty of chances. Four exactly, if you count all her failed engagements, and five if you include the absentee father who kept her existence a secret until very recently. So when her father decides to announce his retirement with a splashy magazine piece about the family, Josie realizes her romantic history is a complicated PR issue.

Matthew Flanagan is in the mud, literally. Not only has he been fired from his job, but also the tires of his car are stuck in the muck after taking a wrong turn as he enters Green Oak, North Carolina. So, he grabs a duffel with his essentials and goes in search of a place to crash until he gets his life back on track. But instead, he finds his best friend’s sister, Josie, greeting him as her fiancé.

What starts as a big messy misunderstanding quickly turns into an arrangement with Matthew playing a new role as doting fiancé. A fifth engagement—and a stunt, at that—makes Josie’s stomach turn, but every dilemma requires a choice between equally undesirable alternatives, and Matthew doesn’t seem to mind becoming one more number in a colorful list of grooms-that-never-were. Despite the ring on her finger, Josie knows this is only temporary, even if the rest of the small town believes that the fifth time’s the charm.



S. Jae-Jones - Engels - Paperback

When the Pillar blooms, the end of the world is not far behind.

Li Ami was always on the outside—outside of family, outside of friendships, outside of ordinary magic. The odd and eccentric daughter of a former imperial magician, she has devoted her life to books because she finds them easier to read than people. Exiled to the outermost west of the Morning Realms, Ami has become the sole caretaker of her mentally ill father, whose rantings and ravings may be more than mere ramblings; they may be part of a dire prophecy. When her father is arrested for trespassing and stealing a branch from the sacred tree of the local monastery, Ami offers herself to the mysterious Beast in the castle, who is in need of someone who can translate a forbidden magical text and find a cure for the mysterious blight that is affecting the harvest of the land.

Meanwhile, as signs of magical corruption arise throughout the Morning Realms, Jin Zhara begins to realize that she might be out of her element. She may have defeated a demon lord and uncovered her identity as the Guardian of Fire, but she’ll be more than outmatched in the coming elemental battle against the Mother of Ten Thousand Demons…unless she can find the other Guardians of Dawn. Her magic is no match for the growing tide of undead, and she needs the Guardian of Wood with power over life and death in order to defeat the revenants razing the countryside.

The threat of the Mother of Ten Thousand Demons looms larger by the day, and the tenuous peace holding the Morning Realms together is beginning to unravel. Ami and Zhara must journey to the Root of the World in order to seal the demon portal that may have opened there and restore balance to an increasingly chaotic world.


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Sarah J. Maas - Engels - Paperback

Throne of Glass

In a land without magic, where the king rules with an iron hand, an assassin is summoned to the castle. She comes not to kill the king, but to win her freedom. If she defeats twenty-three killers, thieves, and warriors in a competition, she is released from prison to serve as the king’s champion. Her name is Celaena Sardothien.

The Crown Prince will provoke her. The Captain of the Guard will protect her. But something evil dwells in the castle of glass—and it’s there to kill. When her competitors start dying one by one, Celaena’s fight for freedom becomes a fight for survival, and a desperate quest to root out the evil before it destroys her world.


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Karen McManus - Engels - Paperback

The newest mystery from the author One of Us Is Lying, the Queen of thrillers, Karen M. McManus! When mother-daughter grifters set out on their final job, the heist gets deadly and dangerously personal.

For all of Kat’s life, it’s just been her and her mother, Jamie—except for the forty-eight hours when Jamie was married and Kat had a stepbrother, Liam. That all ended in an epic divorce, and Kat and Liam haven’t spoken since.

Now Jamie is a jewel thief trying to go straight, but she has one last job—at billionaire Ross Sutherland’s birthday party. And Kat has figured out a way to tag along. What Kat doesn’t know, though, is that there are two surprise guests at the dazzling Sutherland compound that weekend. The last two people she wants to run into. Liam and his father—a serial scammer who has his sights set on Ross Sutherland’s youngest daughter.

Kat and Liam are on a collision course to disaster, and when a Sutherland dies, they realize they might actually be in the killer’s crosshairs themselves. Somehow Kat and Liam are the new targets, and they can’t trust anyone—except each other.

Or can they? Because if there’s one thing both Kat and Liam know, it’s how to lie. They learned from the best.


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Emily Houghton - Engels - Paperback

She likes to be in control.
Olivia Jackson’s life is one big to-do list. But after her sister tragically dies and leaves her a ticket to go travelling, Olivia has to leave her perfectly ordered world – albeit with a meticulously organised itinerary.

He throws caution to the wind.
Jacob Green couldn’t be more different. He’s been travelling the world for five years and lets destiny decide where he goes next with a roll of some dice.

Do opposites really attract?
When the two first meet, Olivia finds Jacob’s laid-back attitude infuriating. Not to mention her unanswered question as to why he’s been travelling for so long without going back home. But as they part ways, she can’t help but wish her carefully laid plans involved him.

Will fate bring them together again? And if it does, what secret is Jacob hiding?


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Julia Quinn - Engels - Hardback

This stunning collectible edition contains the first two novels in #1 New York Times bestselling author Julia Quinn’s beloved Bridgerton series. This edition features gorgeous sprayed edges, intricate foil iconography, ribbon bookmark, and beautiful endpapers.

The Duke and I

When Daphne Bridgerton and Simon Basset, Duke of Hastings, agree to a fake courtship, they think they’ve found the perfect solution to their problems. Romantically associated with one of London’s most desirable catches, Daphne’s prospects among the ton will soar. For avowed bachelor Simon, an attachment to Daphne will deter would-be brides and their ambitious mamas. Their plan works like a charm–at first. But amid the glittering, gossipy, cut-throat world of London’s elite, there is only one certainty: love ignores every rule. . .

The Viscount Who Loved Me

London’s most elusive bachelor, Anthony Bridgerton is determined to wed. But one obstacle stands in his way–his intended’s older sister, Kate Sheffield, who is driving Anthony mad with her determination to stop the betrothal. Kate is quite sure that reformed rakes do not make the best husbands, and Anthony Bridgerton is the most wicked rogue of them all. She’s determined to protect her sister–even as she fears she may not be able to resist the reprehensible and oh so desirable rake herself . . .


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Colleen Hoover - Engels - Paperback

Sometimes it is the one who loves you who hurts you the most.

Lily hasn’t always had it easy, but that’s never stopped her from working hard for the life she wants. She’s come a long way from the small town in Maine where she grew up — she graduated from college, moved to Boston, and started her own business. So when she feels a spark with a gorgeous neurosurgeon named Ryle Kincaid, everything in Lily’s life suddenly seems almost too good to be true.

Ryle is assertive, stubborn, maybe even a little arrogant. He’s also sensitive, brilliant, and has a total soft spot for Lily. And the way he looks in scrubs certainly doesn’t hurt. Lily can’t get him out of her head. But Ryle’s complete aversion to relationships is disturbing. Even as Lily finds herself becoming the exception to his “no dating” rule, she can’t help but wonder what made him that way in the first place.

As questions about her new relationship overwhelm her, so do thoughts of Atlas Corrigan — her first love and a link to the past she left behind. He was her kindred spirit, her protector. When Atlas suddenly reappears, everything Lily has built with Ryle is threatened.


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Jennifer Lynn Barnes - Engels - Hardback

Get caught up in the puzzles, games, danger, romance, and riches of this lush new chapter in the #1 bestselling Inheritance Games saga.

Seven tickets. An island of dreams. The chance of a lifetime.

Welcome to the Grandest Game, an annual competition run by billionaire Avery Grambs and the four infamous Hawthorne brothers, whose family fortune she inherited. Designed to give anyone a shot at fame and fortune, this year’s game requires one of seven golden tickets to enter. With millions on the line, those seven players will do whatever it takes to win.

Some of the players are in it for the money. Some for power. Some for reasons all their own. Every single one of them has secrets. Amidst it all is Grayson Hawthorne, tasked with a vital role in this year’s game. But as tensions rise and the mind-bending challenges push the players to their limits—physically, mentally, and emotionally—it soon becomes clear that not everyone is playing by the rules.

#1 New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Lynn Barnes delivers a brand-new series in the world of The Inheritance Games, where fan-favorite and new characters collide in a game you’ll never forget.

Do you have what it takes to play?


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Karen McManus - Engels - Hardback

The newest mystery from the author One of Us Is Lying, the Queen of thrillers, Karen M. McManus! When mother-daughter grifters set out on their final job, the heist gets deadly and dangerously personal.

For all of Kat’s life, it’s just been her and her mother, Jamie—except for the forty-eight hours when Jamie was married and Kat had a stepbrother, Liam. That all ended in an epic divorce, and Kat and Liam haven’t spoken since.

Now Jamie is a jewel thief trying to go straight, but she has one last job—at billionaire Ross Sutherland’s birthday party. And Kat has figured out a way to tag along. What Kat doesn’t know, though, is that there are two surprise guests at the dazzling Sutherland compound that weekend. The last two people she wants to run into. Liam and his father—a serial scammer who has his sights set on Ross Sutherland’s youngest daughter.

Kat and Liam are on a collision course to disaster, and when a Sutherland dies, they realize they might actually be in the killer’s crosshairs themselves. Somehow Kat and Liam are the new targets, and they can’t trust anyone—except each other.

Or can they? Because if there’s one thing both Kat and Liam know, it’s how to lie. They learned from the best.


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Elena Armas - Engels - Paperback

Josie Moore has given the opposite sex—and love—plenty of chances. Four exactly, if you count all her failed engagements, and five if you include the absentee father who kept her existence a secret until very recently. So when her father decides to announce his retirement with a splashy magazine piece about the family, Josie realizes her romantic history is a complicated PR issue.

Matthew Flanagan is in the mud, literally. Not only has he been fired from his job, but also the tires of his car are stuck in the muck after taking a wrong turn as he enters Green Oak, North Carolina. So, he grabs a duffel with his essentials and goes in search of a place to crash until he gets his life back on track. But instead, he finds his best friend’s sister, Josie, greeting him as her fiancé.

What starts as a big messy misunderstanding quickly turns into an arrangement with Matthew playing a new role as doting fiancé. A fifth engagement—and a stunt, at that—makes Josie’s stomach turn, but every dilemma requires a choice between equally undesirable alternatives, and Matthew doesn’t seem to mind becoming one more number in a colorful list of grooms-that-never-were. Despite the ring on her finger, Josie knows this is only temporary, even if the rest of the small town believes that the fifth time’s the charm.


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Kerri Maniscalco - Engels - Paperback

The adult debut of #1 New York Times bestselling author Kerri Maniscalco, Throne of the Fallen is a seductive new standalone novel set within her fan-favorite Kingdom of the Wicked world, perfect for readers of fantasy, romance, and mystery alike.

Sinner. Villain. Ruthless. 

These are wicked names the Prince of Envy welcomes. They remind him what he isn’t: a saint. And when a cryptic note arrives, signaling the beginning of a deadly game, he knows he’ll be called much worse before it ends. Riddles, hexed objects, anonymous players, nothing will stand in his way. With a powerful artifact and his own future at stake, Envy is determined to win, though none of his meticulous plans prepare him for her, the frustrating artist who ignites his sin—and passion—like no other…

Talented. Darling. Liar.

The trouble with scoundrels and blackguards is that they haven’t a modicum of honor, a fact Miss Camilla Antonius learns after one desperate mistake allows notorious rake—and satire sheet legend—Lord Phillip Vexley to blackmail her. And now it seems Vexley isn’t the only scoundrel interested in securing her unique talents as a painter. To avoid Vexley’s clutches and a ruinous scandal, Camilla is forced to enter a devil’s bargain with Waverly Green’s newest arrival, enigmatic Lord Ashford ‘Syn’ Synton, little expecting his game will awaken her true nature . . .

Together, Envy and Camilla must embark on a perilous journey through the Shifting Isles—from glittering demon courts to the sultry vampire realm, and encounters with exiled Fae—while trying to avoid the most dangerous trap of all: falling in love.


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Cassandra Clare - Engels - Paperback

Two outcasts find themselves at the center of world-altering change in the start of a riveting epic fantasy series from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Shadowhunter Chronicles.

In the vibrant city-state of Castellane, the richest of nobles and the most debauched of criminals have one thing in common: the constant search for wealth, power, and the next hedonistic thrill.

Kel is an orphan, stolen from the life he knew to become the Sword-Catcher—the body-double of a royal heir, Prince Conor Aurelian. He has been raised alongside the prince, trained in every aspect of combat and statecraft. He and Conor are close as brothers, but Kel knows he has one destiny: to die for Conor. No other future is possible.

Lin Caster is one of the Ashkar, a small community who still possess magical abilities. By law, they must live behind walls in the city, but Lin, a physician, ventures out to tend to the sick and dying of Castellane. Despite her skills, she cannot heal her best friend Mariam without access to forbidden knowledge.

After a failed assassination attempt brings Lin and Kel together, they are drawn into the web of the mysterious Ragpicker King, the criminal ruler of Castellane’s underworld. He offers them each what they want most; but as they descend into his world of intrigue and shadow, they discover a conspiracy of corruption that reaches from the darkest gutters of Castellane to the highest tower of its palaces. As long-kept secrets begin to unravel, they must ask themselves: Is knowledge worth the price of betrayal? Can forbidden love bring down a kingdom? And will Lin and Kel’s discoveries plunge their nation into war—and the world into chaos?


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T. Kingfisher - Engels - Hardback

A dark retelling of the Brothers Grimm’s Goose Girl, rife with secrets, murder, and forbidden magic

Cordelia knows her mother is unusual. Their house doesn’t have any doors between rooms, and her mother doesn’t allow Cordelia to have a single friend—unless you count Falada, her mother’s beautiful white horse. The only time Cordelia feels truly free is on her daily rides with him. But more than simple eccentricity sets her mother apart. Other mothers don’t force their daughters to be silent and motionless for hours, sometimes days, on end. Other mothers aren’t sorcerers.

After a suspicious death in their small town, Cordelia’s mother insists they leave in the middle of the night, riding away on Falada’s sturdy back, leaving behind all Cordelia has ever known. They arrive at the remote country manor of a wealthy older man, the Squire, and his unwed sister, Hester. Cordelia’s mother intends to lure the Squire into marriage, and Cordelia knows this can only be bad news for the bumbling gentleman and his kind, intelligent sister.

Hester sees the way Cordelia shrinks away from her mother, how the young girl sits eerily still at dinner every night. Hester knows that to save her brother from bewitchment and to rescue the terrified Cordelia, she will have to face down a wicked witch of the worst kind.


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Jennifer Lynn Barnes - Nederlands - Paperback

Zolang de voorraad strekt met gesigneerde bookplate (exclusief bij SMP)!

Een nieuw avontuur in het Hawthorne-universum!

Welkom bij het Ultieme Spel, een jaarlijkse wedstrijd georganiseerd door miljardair Avery Grambs en de vier beruchte Hawthorne-broers. Het spel is ontworpen om iedereen een eerlijke kans te geven op roem en rijkdom, en dit jaar geven zeven gouden tickets toegang. Er wordt gespeeld om miljoenen, dus de kandidaten zullen alles doen om te winnen.

Sommige spelers doen mee voor die geldprijs, andere voor macht. Weer anderen hebben zo hun eigen redenen. En ieder van hen heeft geheimen. Te midden van alles staat Grayson Hawthorne, die een onmisbare rol speelt in het spel van dit jaar. Maar als de spanning oploopt en de uitdagingen de kandidaten tot het uiterste drijven – fysiek, mentaal en emotioneel – wordt algauw duidelijk dat niet iedereen volgens de regels speelt.


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Shirlene Obuobi - Engels - Paperback

Talia Hibbert meets Carley Fortune in this swoon-worthy story of love and friendship in the age of social media—where what you see might not be all you get.

To her countless Instagram followers Josephine Boateng is the dazzling Dr. Jojo—and her opinions on health, growth, and self-love matter. Her message: be smart (she has a medical degree after all), be significant, and do not put up with foolish men.

But behind the camera, Jo’s story is more complicated—she finds her influencer career underwhelming; her potential career in medicine overwhelming, and she’s hung up on her best friend, nepo-baby and romcom heartthrob Ezra Adelman. When Ezra shows up to his thirtieth birthday party with her childhood bully on his arm, however, Josephine realizes that it’s time to take her own advice and prioritize herself for once.

No one is more shocked than Malcolm Waters when his debut novel turns him into a critic’s darling. When he’s invited to a swanky penthouse party to discuss turning his book into a film, he knows rubbing elbows with the elites of entertainment will be great for his career. The only problem: he’s not good with people, and even worse at networking.

Just when he’s about to throw in the towel, he’s rescued by none other than Dr. Jojo. He’s been following her on social media for years, and she’s even more impressive in real life. And to his bewilderment, the feeling is mutual.

But in a world where the lines between private and public are as blurred as those between friendship and love, can they risk it all for something real?


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Tamara Postma - Nederlands - Paperback

Alles wat ik aan je miste is het tweede deel in de romantische serie Oxymoron van auteur Tamara Postma.

Zij en ik. Wij zijn een oxymoron. Twee begrippen die op het eerste gezicht niet samen lijken te gaan, maar elkaar versterken als ze gecombineerd worden. Twee mensen die niet meer van elkaar kunnen verschillen. Zij is een regenboog, ik ben zwart-wit. Zij heeft het vermogen mijn leven kleur te geven met een enkele oogopslag.

Parijs, de stad van de liefde maar voor Hazel is liefde verre van welkom. Ze stort zich vol passie op haar nieuwe rol als inkoper bij een exclusieve vintagewinkel. Urenlang kan ze wegdromen bij alle mooie verhalen van kledingstukken die door haar handen gaan. Maar hoe ze zichzelf ook voorhoudt dat ze echt gelukkig is, ze mist Jamie enorm en hij spookt nog steeds door haar hoofd. Terwijl hem haten zoveel makkelijker was…

Op de nacht dat Hazel uit zijn handen glipte, maakte Jamie de grootste fout van zijn leven. Nu hij daar de prijs voor moet betalen, beseft hij pas hoeveel kleur en passie Hazel in zijn leven bracht. Wanneer zijn moeder hem in paniek opbelt en hem voor een dilemma plaatst, staat Jamie voor een hartverscheurende keuze. Kies hij voor zijn carrière, of volgt hij zijn hart?


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Lucy Foley - Nederlands - Paperback

oor de fans van Agatha Christie, Ruth Ware en B.A. Paris

Welkom bij het openingsweekend van het Manor Hotel.

De gasten verzamelen zich voor de ingang van het luxe­resort, de nieuwe parel aan de kust van Dorset. De champagne vloeit rijkelijk, het g­ezelschap bruist, de zon gaat onder tijdens een onver­getelijke zomerzonnewende. Maar onder de dekmantel van een feest roert zich iets duisters. Het hotel is gebouwd op geheimen van een ­eeuwenoud bos.

Oude vrienden en vijanden kruipen uit de schaduw. En de gasten zullen al snel ontdekken welke andere dodelijke geheimen er ’s nachts aan het licht komen…

In de pers

‘Weer zo’n uitstekend geschreven, verslavende thriller van Lucy Foley.’ Margriet

‘Een spannende, vlotte whodunit waarbij de lezer al vanaf de start op het verkeerde been wordt gezet.’

‘Foley legt de onderlinge verhoudingen genadeloos bloot. Spannend tot het eind.’ Trouw


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Yasmine Van Den Meersch - Nederlands - Hardback

Rebellen teisteren het land. Moeder Natuur is aan het verwelken. De Seizoensproeven zijn begonnen.

Ayla was nooit voorbestemd om deel te nemen aan de Proeven, maar na de dood van haar zus wordt zij de Erfgename van het koninkrijk Zomer. Ze moet de strijd aangaan met de drie andere Erfgenamen om uit te maken wie de volgende Heerser van het Rijk wordt, terwijl ze ook nog met haar eigen demonen worstelt.

Valdemar, de prins van Winter, heeft een hart van ijs. Zijn enige doel is om de volgende Moeder Natuur te worden, iets waarop hij zich al zijn hele leven voorbereidt. Maar Ayla’s vuur doet hem beetje bij beetje ontdooien.

Met een opstand aan de horizon en verraders binnen en buiten het paleis, beseft Ayla dat het allemaal niet gemakkelijk zal zijn. Maar dat zijn de beste dingen zelden…

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Februari: Spel der Harten

De Limited Edition van Harteloos, geschreven door Marissa Meyer, is verschenen met:

Hardcover en stofomslag
Bedrukt boekblok
Geïllustreerde schutbladen, ontworpen door Blue Illusion Art
Naked cover met folie
Losse auteursbrief
Gesigneerde bookplate

In de box vond je onderstaande items:

Collectible pin
De tweede collectible coaster, ontworpen door Basically Britt
Notepad met invulbare receptkaarten
Receptkaart met recept uit het boek voor Catherine’s Cupcakes, recept van Heaven’s Food
Doosje speelkaarten
Stickervel in thema

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