Nieuwe Young Adult boeken augustus 2023 | Ontdek ze bij So Many Pages

Nieuwe Young Adult boeken augustus 2023

YA boeken augustus 2023

Wauw, er zijn maar liefst 37 nieuwe boeken toegevoegd aan ons assortiment deze maand! Augustus 2023 gaat de boeken in als een ware top maand voor YA-liefhebbers! Wij zetten al onze nieuwe toevoegingen voor je op een rijtje.

Elke maand posten wij de nieuwe Young Adult boeken waar jij naar uit kan kijken. Naar welk boek kijk jij het meest uit?


S. Jae-Jones - Engels - Paperback

Sailor Moon meets Cinder in Guardians of Dawn: Zhara, the start of a new, richly imagined fantasy series from S. Jae-Jones, the New York Times bestselling author of Wintersong.

Magic flickers.
Love flames.
Chaos reigns.

Magic is forbidden throughout the Morning Realms. Magicians are called abomination, and blamed for the plague of monsters that razed the land twenty years before.

Jin Zhara already had enough to worry about—appease her stepmother’s cruel whims, looking after her blind younger sister, and keeping her own magical gifts under control—without having to deal with rumors of monsters re-emerging in the marsh. But when a chance encounter with an easily flustered young man named Han brings her into contact with a secret magical liberation organization called the Guardians of Dawn, Zhara realizes there may be more to these rumors than she thought. A mysterious plague is corrupting the magicians of Zanhei and transforming them into monsters, and the Guardians of Dawn believe a demon is responsible.

In order to restore harmony and bring peace to the world, Zhara must discover the elemental warrior within, lest the balance between order and chaos is lost forever.


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Ananya Devarajan - Engels - Hardback

In this charming YA debut, a girl who’s determined to prove her star chart wrong ropes her longtime best friend into an experimental relationship—not knowing that he has been in love with her for years.

Is it possible to change your fate?

Madhuri Iyer is doomed. Doomed for her upcoming senior year to be a total failure, according to her astrology-obsessed mother, and doomed to a happily ever after with her first boyfriend, according to her family curse.

Determined to prove the existence of her free will, Madhuri devises an experimental relationship with the one boy she knows she’ll never fall for: her childhood best friend, Arjun Mehta. But Arjun’s feelings for her are a variable she didn’t account for.

As Madhuri starts to fall for her experimental boyfriend, she’ll have to decide if charting her own destiny is worth breaking Arjun’s heart—and her own.


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Rachel Griffin - Engels - Paperback

From the New York Times bestselling author of The Nature of Witches and Wild is the Witchcomes a lush romantic fantasy about forbidden love, the choices we make, and the pull between duty and desire.

Tana Fairchild’s fate has never been in question. Her life has been planned out since the moment she was born: she is to marry the governor’s son, Landon, and secure an unprecedented alliance between the witches of her island home and the mainlanders who see her very existence as a threat.

Tana’s coven has appeased those who fear their power for years by releasing most of their magic into the ocean during the full moon. But when Tana misses the midnight ritual—a fatal mistake—there is no one she can turn to for help…until she meets Wolfe.

Wolfe claims he is from a coven that practices dark magic, making him one of the only people who can help her. But he refuses to let Tana’s power rush into the sea, and instead teaches her his forbidden magic. A magic that makes her feel powerful. Alive.

As the sea grows more violent, her coven loses control of the currents, a danger that could destroy the alliance as well as her island. Tana will have to choose between love and duty, between loyalty to her people and loyalty to her heart. Marrying Landon would secure peace for her coven but losing Wolfe and his wild magic could cost her everything else.


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Colleen Hoover - Nederlands - Paperback

‘Slammed’ is de romantische en aangrijpende debuutroman van Colleen Hoover, de internationale bestsellerauteur van ‘It ends with us’ en ‘It starts with us’

Na de onverwachte dood van haar vader verhuist de achttienjarige Layken met haar moeder en broer van Texas naar Michigan. Layken had nooit gedacht dat ze op haar eerste dag daar halsoverkop verliefd zou worden. En dat deze liefde met dezelfde intensiteit zou worden beantwoord. Layken en Will hebben grote en heftige gevoelens voor elkaar en zijn enorm gelukkig – drie dagen lang. Maar dan doen ze een schokkende ontdekking…


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Colleen Hoover - Nederlands - Paperback

‘Point of retreat’ is het tweede deel in de populaire Slammed-serie van Colleen Hoover, de internationale bestsellerauteur van ‘It ends with us’ en ‘It starts with us’

Een jaar nadat Layken en Will elkaar hebben ontmoet, zorgt een onthulling over Wills verleden ervoor dat ze alles wat ze dachten te weten over elkaar in twijfel trekken. Nu hun relatie op het spel staat, moeten ze beslissen of ze bereid zijn te vechten voor een toekomst samen. Hoever moet Will gaan om Layken te bewijzen dat zijn liefde voor haar eeuwig zal duren?


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Colleen Hoover - Nederlands - Paperback

‘This girl’ is het aangrijpende einde van de Slammed-serie van Colleen Hoover, de internationale bestsellerauteur van ‘It ends with us’ en ‘It starts with us’

De liefde van Layken en Will heeft de zwaarste omstandigheden weten te doorstaan. Pas nu, na hun huwelijk, lijkt hun geluk perfect. Wanneer Layken blijft aandringen dat ze alles over hem wil weten, onthult Will voor het eerst zijn meest intieme gevoelens en gedachten. Hij vertelt over zowel de goede als de slechte momenten en doet enkele schokkende bekentenissen. Hun toekomst samen hangt af van hoe goed ze kunnen omgaan met het verleden…


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Zoraida Córdova - Engels - Paperback

A modern tale of unexpectedly falling in love, and finding your voice—the highly anticipated third installment of in the acclaimed and best-selling Meant to Be collection.

Ariel del Mar is one of the most famous singers in the world. She and her sisters—together, known as the band Siren Seven—have been a pop culture phenomenon since they were kids. On stage, wearing her iconic red wig and sequined costumes, staring out at a sea of fans, is where she shines. Anyone would think she’s the girl who has everything.

But lately, she wants more. Siren Seven is wrapping up their farewell tour, and Ariel can’t wait to spend the summer just living a normal life—part of a world she’s only ever seen from the outside. But her father, the head of Atlantica Records, has other plans: begin her breakout solo career immediately, starting with a splashy announcement on a morning talk show.

The night before, Ariel and her sisters sneak out of their Manhattan penthouse for a night of incognito fun at a rock concert in Brooklyn. It’s there that Ariel crosses paths with Eric Reyes, dreamy lead singer of an up-and-coming band. Unaware of her true identity, Eric spontaneously invites her on the road for the summer. And for the first time in her life, Ariel disobeys her father—and goes with him.

Caught between the world she longs for and the one she’s left behind, can Ariel follow her dreams, fall in love, and, somehow, find her own voice?


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Alice Oseman - Engels - Hardback

Now in a gorgeous special-edition hardback: with an extra never-before-in-print mini-comic THE HAIR CUT, beautiful endpapers and an exquisite foiled cover, this is an unmissable edition. Third in the bestselling LGBTQ+ graphic novel series about life, love, and everything that happens in between.

Boys become friends. Boys fall in love. Charlie didn’t think Nick could ever like him back, but now they’re officially boyfriends.

Nick’s even found the courage to come out to his mum. But coming out isn’t just something that happens once – there’s Nick’s older brother, and a school trip to Paris, not to mention all the other friends and family – and life can be hard, even with someone who loves you by your side. As their feelings get more serious, Charlie and Nick will need each other more than ever before.


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Dhonielle Clayton - Engels - Paperback

With the dangerous, erratic Princess Sophia imprisoned, Queen Charlotte decides to invoke the ancient tradition of The Beauty Trials-a series of harrowing tests meant to find the one true ruler of Orleans. Edel, who has always aspired to be more than just a Belle, decides to enter and, after promising to bind her arcana to keep from having an unnatural advantage, joins a few dozen other hopefuls intent on becoming the next Queen of Orleans.

But the trials are far worse than any of them bargained for. As the women are put through dangerous tasks meant to test their strength, confidence, composure, and bravery, many perish, and Edel is mysteriously attacked by one of the other competitors-forcing her to use her powers just to survive. Will her subterfuge cost her the crown, or is there a larger conspiracy at play?

New York Times best-selling author Dhonielle Clayton returns to her sweeping, lush fantasy series with an all-new story teeming with high-stakes court intrigue and danger disguised by beauty


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Leia Stone - Engels - Paperback

Axil Moon broke my heart when I was fifteen and I’ve dreamed of getting revenge ever since.
So when he becomes the king of all Wolven and summons me to compete for his hand in
marriage in the deadly Queen Trials, I gladly accept. I want nothing more than to defeat the
competition and leave him cold and alone when I slam the bedroom door in his face every

Axil Moon will regret the day he thought he could discard me and get away with it.

But the Axil I expect isn’t the one waiting for me. This grown Axil is different from the teenage boy I loved. This Axil begs me to believe it was never his choice to leave me, and my heart is torn. Now I have to try and stay alive in order to see what could be between us, but all the while there is an enemy in our midst and war on our border that could overturn the world as I know it, and all I can do is fight to keep that world alive.


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Leia Stone - Engels - Paperback

Lucien Thorne is the most vile monster in all of Thorngate. As Winter King, he rules our land with an iron fist and a cold, dead heart. And my father has just informed me that I am betrothed to marry him….

As the Princess of Fall, it is my duty to marry whatever suitor my father chooses for me, but Lucien is not someone I can fathom spending the rest of my life with. Not even for duty.

When he arrives to negotiate my dowry, I break protocol and take matters into my own hands. But the more time I spend with this mysterious man, the more I wonder if the rumors about him are even true.

As I get to know the real Lucien, I start to discover that there is a dark history in his family, one that explains his ruthless behavior. One I plan to expunge if I am ever to live out my life in the Winter Palace in peace.

As much as I want to hate Lucien Thorne and everything he’s done to our realm… I cannot deny my heart.


Hiron Ennes - Engels - Paperback

In an isolated chateau, as far north as north goes, the baron’s doctor has died. The doctor’s replacement has a mystery to solve: discovering how the Institute lost track of one of its many bodies.

For hundreds of years the Interprovincial Medical Institute has grown by taking root in young minds and shaping them into doctors, replacing every human practitioner of medicine. The Institute is here to help humanity, to cure and to cut, to cradle and protect the species from the apocalyptic horrors their ancestors unleashed.

In the frozen north, the Institute’s body will discover a competitor for its rung at the top of the evolutionary ladder. A parasite is spreading through the baron’s castle, already a dark pit of secrets, lies, violence, and fear. The two will make war on the battlefield of the body. Whichever wins, humanity will lose again.


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Jessa Hastings - Engels - Paperback

‘If Gossip Girl and Made in Chelsea had a baby, it would be this book.’ (FIVE STAR READER REVIEW)’How many loves do you get in a lifetime?’She is a beautiful, affluent, self-involved and mildly neurotic London socialite. He is Britain’s most photographed bad-boy who broke her heart. Magnolia Parks and BJ Ballentine are meant to be, and everyone knows it.

She dates other people to keep him at bay; he sleeps with other girls to get back at her for it. But at the end of their every sad endeavour to get over one another, it’s still each other they crawl back to. But now their dysfunction is catching up with them, pulling at their seams and fraying the world they’ve built; a world where neither has ever let the other go completely.

As the cracks start to show and secrets begin to surface, Magnolia and BJ are finally forced to face the formidable question they’ve been avoiding all their lives: How many loves do you really get in a lifetime?READERS LOVE MAGNOLIA PARKS’Magnolia and BJ have embedded themselves into my DNA.’ (FIVE STARS)’This book gave drama, love triangles, toxicity, chaos and I ate up every single moment.’ (FIVE STARS)’TikTok made me do it, 1000% lived up to the hype.’ (FIVE STARS)’Hands down the most emotional romance book I have ever read and therefore my favourite’ (FIVE STARS)


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Jessa Hastings - Engels - Paperback

All 20 year old Daisy Haites has ever wanted is a normal life, but it’s just not on the cards for her. Raised by her older brother Julian since their parents were murdered in front of them 12 years ago, Daisy hasn’t ever lived beyond the watchful gaze of her gang lord brother. But Julian’s line of work means that Daisy’s life is…complicated. And things don’t become any less complex when she falls hard for Christian Hemmes, the beautiful and emotionally unavailable boy she’s been involved with for the last few months, who also happens to be one of the few men in London who doesn’t answer to Julian. Christian’s life is no walk in the park either, being in love with his best friend’s girlfriend and all… He’s happy enough to use Daisy to throw off the scent of his true affections, that is until she starts to infiltrate those too.

As their romance blossoms into something neither were anticipating, Daisy, Christian, and Julian each have to come to terms with the fact that in this life everything comes at a price. As their relationships intersect and tangle, they all learn that sometimes life’s most worthwhile pursuits can only be paid in blood.


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M. J. Arlidge - Nederlands - Paperback

In zijn nieuwe standalone laat Arlidge niet alleen de slachtoffers aan het woord, maar ook de daders

Zes criminelen in Engeland hebben anonimiteit verkregen. Door de ongelooflijke wreedheden uit hun verleden leek een nieuwe start en re-integratie onmogelijk, totdat de overheid besloot hen een tweede kans te geven: elk van hen kreeg een nieuwe identiteit, in een nieuwe stad, met een nieuwe baan – en niemand die het ooit te weten zou komen. Dat dachten ze tenminste.

Sociaal medewerkster Olivia begeleidt gevangenen om te re-integreren in de maatschappij. Maar als de échte identiteit van haar ex-gevangenen gelekt wordt aan de familie van het slachtoffer maakt Olivia kennis met de meest duistere kanten van de mens. Want de familieleden willen allemaal, stuk voor stuk, gerechtigheid voor het onrecht dat hun geliefden jaren geleden is aangedaan. En zeg nou eerlijk, wie zou er geen wraak willen voor een onvergeeflijke daad?


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Alice Oseman - Nederlands - Paperback

Mijn naam is Tori Spring.

Ik hou van slapen en van bloggen. Vorig jaar – vóór al dat gedoe met Charlie en voordat ik de harde realiteit van examens en universitaire aanmeldingen onder ogen moest zien, en het feit dat ik op een dag echt met mensen zal moeten gaan praten – had ik vrienden. Alles was toen heel anders dan nu.

Nu is er Solitaire. En Michael Holden. Ik weet niet wat Solitaire probeert te doen, en ik geef niet om Michael Holden. Echt niet.

Solitaire is een wijs en meedogenloos eerlijk verhaal over een van de onvergetelijke personages uit de successerie Heartstopper. Deze editie heeft exclusieve bedrukking van de binnenzijde van het omslag.


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Zoulfa Katouh - Nederlands - Paperback

Salama Kassab was een farmaciestudent toen de revolutie in Syrië begon. Ze had haar ouders nog, haar grote broer, haar huis. Ze had een leven als iedere andere tiener. Nu is ze vrijwilliger in het ziekenhuis van Homs, om de gewonden te helpen die dagelijks binnenstromen. Ze wil weg uit deze oorlog, weg van de ellende en verschrikkingen, de nachtmerries. Maar ze wil ook blijven, om te vechten voor een vrij Syrië.

‘Zolang de citroenbomen bloeien’ is een hartverscheurend verhaal over de verwoestende Syrische burgeroorlog – de bombardementen, de sluipschutters en de gifgasaanvallen – maar herinnert de lezer ook aan de tijd voor de oorlog – de bloeiende citroenbomen, de vrolijkheid, de geuren en kleuren. Dit boek schiet van wanhoop naar geluk en van geluk weer naar verdriet. Zelfs tussen de brokstukken van de oorlog kunnen hoop en liefde bestaan.

Deze editie van ‘Zolang de citroenbomen bloeien’ bevat een nog niet eerder gepubliceerd extra hoofdstuk.


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T. Kingfisher - Engels - Hardback

Thornhedge is the tale of a kind-hearted, toad-shaped heroine, a gentle knight, and a mission gone completely sideways.

There’s a princess trapped in a tower. This isn’t her story.

Meet Toadling. On the day of her birth, she was stolen from her family by the fairies, but she grew up safe and loved in the warm waters of faerieland. Once an adult though, the fae ask a favor of Toadling: return to the human world and offer a blessing of protection to a newborn child. Simple, right?

But nothing with fairies is ever simple.

Centuries later, a knight approaches a towering wall of brambles, where the thorns are as thick as your arm and as sharp as swords. He’s heard there’s a curse here that needs breaking, but it’s a curse Toadling will do anything to uphold…


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Michelle Jabes Corpora - Engels - Hardback

A beloved classic reimagined with a dark twist.

After her parents’ painful divorce, Evie Archer hopes that moving to Ravenglass, Massachusetts, is the fresh start that her family needs. But Evie quickly realizes that her new home—known by locals as the Horror House—carries its own dark past after learning about Holly Hobbie, who mysteriously vanished in her bedroom one night.

But traces of Holly linger in the Horror House and slowly begin to take over Evie’s life. A strange shadow follows her everywhere she goes, and Evie starts to lose sight of what’s real and what isn’t the more she learns about The Lost Girl.

Can Evie find out what happened the night of Holly’s disappearance? Or is history doomed to repeat itself in the Horror House?


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Samantha Shannon - Engels - Hardback

THE TENTH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL EDITION, FULLY UPDATED WITH NEW MATERIALA lavishly reimagined tenth anniversary edition of the first novel in the sensational Bone Season series, by the Sunday Times and New York Times-bestselling author of The Priory of the Orange Tree. ‘A fabulous, epic fantasy thriller … Lavish, ebullient, escapist’ The Times________________________________________________Welcome to Scion.

No safer place. The year is 2059. For two centuries, the Republic of Scion has led an oppressive campaign against unnaturalness in Europe.

In London, Paige Mahoney holds a high rank in the criminal underworld. The right hand of the ruthless White Binder, Paige is a dreamwalker, a rare and formidable kind of clairvoyant. Under Scion law, she commits treason simply by breathing.

When Paige is arrested for murder, she meets the mysterious founders of Scion, who have designs on her uncommon abilities. If she is to survive and escape, Paige must use every skill at her disposal – and put her trust in someone who ought to be her enemy.


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Adalyn Grace - Engels - Hardback

LET OP: Dit is niet meer de first print met UV-print op naked cover.

‘Secrets, curses, mystery, romance, and Death!’ Jennifer L. ArmentroutThe captivating sequel to the Gothic fantasy Belladonna, in which Signa and Death face a supernatural foe determined to tear them apart. A duke has been murdered.

The lord of Thorn Grove has been framed. And Fate, the elusive brother of Death, has taken up residence in a sumptuous estate nearby. He’s hellbent on revenge after Death took the life of the woman he loved many years ago…and now he’s determined to have Signa for himself, no matter the cost.

Signa and her cousin Blythe are certain that Fate can save Elijah Hawthorne from prison if they will entertain his presence. But the more time the girls spend with Fate, the more frightening their reality becomes as Signa exhibits dramatic new powers that link her to Fate’s past. With mysteries and danger around every corner, the cousins must decide if they can trust one another as they navigate their futures in high society, unravel the murders that haunt their family, and play Fate’s unexpected games-all with their destinies hanging in the balance.

Dangerous, suspenseful, and seductive, this sequel to the story of Signa and Death is as utterly romantic as it is perfectly deadly. PRAISE FOR ADALYN GRACE’Decadently atmospheric’ Kerri Maniscalco’Deliciously gothic’ Renee Ahdieh’Deadly gothic romance’ Stephanie Garber’Darkly romantic’ Adrienne Young


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Liz Braswell - Nederlands - Hardback

‘Als in een droom’, het derde deel in de ‘A Twisted Tale’-reeks, vertelt het beroemde Disney-sprookje van ‘Doornroosje’. Maar dan met een duistere twist… Het had zo eenvoudig moeten zijn: een verslagen draak, een slapende prinses in een kasteel en een prins die klaarstaat om haar weer wakker te kussen. Maar als de prins in slaap valt zodra zijn lippen de hare raken, wordt duidelijk dat dit sprookje nog geen einde kent. Onder invloed van een vloek, uitgesproken door een wanhopige Malafide, moet prinses Aurora zien te ontsnappen uit een heel ander kasteel, overwoekerd door doornstruiken en omringd door een magisch landschap – dat is ontstaan in haar eigen dromen. Gelukkig staat Aurora er niet alleen voor: met de hulp van een charmante prins en oude bekenden neemt ze het op tegen de kwade fee. En om te slagen in haar zoektocht moet Aurora niet alleen ontdekken wie haar echte vrienden zijn, maar ook wie zij zelf eigenlijk is.
De tijd tikt gestaag verder… lukt het Doornroosje om op tijd te ontwaken?

‘Als in een droom’ is het spannende derde deel in de internationaal bejubelde Disney-serie A Twisted Tale, geschreven door Liz Braswell. Ieder deel in de serie is een spannende vertelling, gebaseerd op de meest geliefde Disney-verhalen, maar dan met een duistere twist. De boeken zijn geschikt voor kinderen vanaf 12 jaar.


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Laura Kneidl - Nederlands - Paperback

‘Someone else’ is het tweede deel in de indrukwekkende Someone-serie van de Duitse auteur Laura Kneidl en gaat over de aangrijpende liefdesgeschiedenis van Cassie en Maurice.

Cassie en Maurice zouden het perfecte stel kunnen zijn: ze zijn beste vrienden, delen een woning, en zijn allebei dol op fantasyboeken. Maar is dat genoeg? Maurice is een voetballer, heeft veel vrienden en is heel sociaal, terwijl Cassie meer introvert is, het liefst thuisblijft en een paar goede vrienden heeft. Hoe meer tijd er voorbijgaat, hoe vaker de verschillen tussen Cassie en Maurice een rol gaan spelen. Hebben ze wel zoveel gemeen?


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Shelley Parker-Chan - Engels - Hardback

How much would you give to win the world?

Zhu Yuanzhang, the Radiant King, is riding high after her victory that tore southern China from its Mongol masters. Now she burns with a new desire: to seize the throne and crown herself emperor.

But Zhu isn’t the only one with imperial ambitions. Her neighbor in the south, the courtesan Madam Zhang, wants the throne for her husband—and she’s strong enough to wipe Zhu off the map. To stay in the game, Zhu will have to gamble everything on a risky alliance with an old enemy: the talented but unstable eunuch general Ouyang, who has already sacrificed everything for a chance at revenge on his father’s killer, the Great Khan.

Unbeknownst to the southerners, a new contender is even closer to the throne. The scorned scholar Wang Baoxiang has maneuvered his way into the capital, and his lethal court games threaten to bring the empire to its knees. For Baoxiang also desires revenge: to become the most degenerate Great Khan in history—and in so doing, make a mockery of every value his Mongol warrior family loved more than him.

All the contenders are determined to do whatever it tak


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Jamison Shea - Engels - Hardback

There will be blood.

Ace of Spades meets House of Hollow in this villain origin story.

Laure Mesny is a perfectionist with an axe to grind. Despite being constantly overlooked in the elite and cutthroat world of the Parisian ballet, she will do anything to prove that a Black girl can take center stage. To level the playing field, Laure ventures deep into the depths of the Catacombs and strikes a deal with a pulsating river of blood.

The primordial power Laure gains promises influence and adoration, everything she’s dreamed of and worked toward. With retribution on her mind, she surpasses her bitter and privileged peers, leaving broken bodies behind her on her climb to stardom.

But even as undeniable as she is, Laure is not the only monster around. And her vicious desires make her a perfect target for slaughter. As she descends into madness and the mystifying underworld beneath her, she is faced with the ultimate choice: continue to break herself for scraps of validation or succumb to the darkness that wants her exactly as she is—monstrous heart and all. That is, if the god-killer doesn’t catch her first.

From debut author Jamison Shea comes I Feed Her to the Beast and the Beast Is Me, a slow-burn horror that lifts a veil on the institutions that profit on exclusion and the toll of giving everything to a world that will never love you back.


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Elizabeth Lim - Engels - Hardback

From the New York Times bestselling author of SIX CRIMSON CRANES comes a tale of two sisters—one as beautiful as the other is monstrous—who must fight to save each other when a betrothal contest gone wrong unleashes an evil that could sever their bond forever.

One sister must fall for the other to rise.

Channi was not born a monster. But when her own father offers her in sacrifice to the Demon Witch, she is forever changed. Cursed with a serpent’s face, Channi is the exact opposite of her beautiful sister, Vanna—the only person in the village who looks at Channi and doesn’t see a monster. The only person she loves and trusts.

Now seventeen, Vanna is to be married off in a vulgar contest that will enrich the coffers of the village leaders. Only Channi, who’s had to rely on her strength and cunning all these years, can defend her sister against the cruelest of the suitors. But in doing so, she becomes the target of his wrath—launching a grisly battle royale, a quest over land and sea, a romance between sworn enemies, and a choice that will strain Channi’s heart to its breaking point.

Weaving together elements of The Selection and Ember in the Ashes with classic tales like Beauty and the Beast, Helen of Troy, and Asian folklore, Elizabeth Lim is at the absolute top of her game in this thrilling yet heart-wrenching fantasy that explores the dark side of beauty and the deepest bonds of sisterhood.


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Jennifer Lynn Barnes - Engels - Hardback

Four brothers. Two missions. One explosive read. Jennifer Lynn Barnes returns to the world of her #1 bestselling Inheritance Games trilogy, and the stakes have never been higher.  

Grayson Hawthorne was raised as the heir apparent to his billionaire grandfather, taught from the cradle to put family first. Now the great Tobias Hawthorne is dead and his family disinherited, but some lessons linger. When Grayson’s half-sisters find themselves in trouble, he swoops in to do what he does best: take care of the problem—efficiently, effectively, mercilessly. And without getting bogged down in emotional entanglements.

Jameson Hawthorne is a risk-taker, a sensation-seeker, a player of games. When his mysterious father appears and asks for a favor, Jameson can’t resist the challenge. Now he must infiltrate London’s most exclusive underground gambling club, which caters to the rich, the powerful, and the aristocratic, and win an impossible game of greatest stakes. Luckily, Jameson Hawthorne lives for impossible.

Drawn into twisted games on opposite sides of the globe, Grayson and Jameson—with the help of their brothers and the girl who inherited their grandfather’s fortune—must dig deep to decide who they want to be and what each of them will sacrifice to win.


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Tanvi Berwah - Engels - Paperback

Sixteen-year-old Koral and her older brother Emrik risk their lives each day to capture the monstrous maristags that live in the black seas around their island. They have to, or else their family will starve.

In an oceanic world swarming with vicious beasts, the Landers―the ruling elite, have indentured Koral’s family to provide the maristags for the Glory Race, a deadly chariot tournament reserved for the upper class. The winning contender receives gold and glory. The others―if they’re lucky―survive.

When the last maristag of the year escapes and Koral has no new maristag to sell, her family’s financial situation takes a turn for the worse and they can’t afford medicine for her chronically ill little sister. Koral’s only choice is to do what no one in the world has ever dared: cheat her way into the Glory Race.

But every step of the way is unpredictable as Koral races against contenders―including her ex-boyfriend―who have trained for this their whole lives and who have no intention of letting a low-caste girl steal their glory. When a rebellion rises and rogues attack Koral to try and force her to drop out, she must choose―her life or her sister’s―before the whole island burns.

She grew up battling the monsters that live in the black seas, but it couldn’t prepare her to face the cunning cruelty of the ruling elite.

Perfect for fans of The Hunger Games and These Violent Delights, this South Asian-inspired fantasy is a gripping debut about the power of the elite, the price of glory, and one girl’s chance to change it all.


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Vanessa Len - Engels - Hardback

This sequel to the contemporary fantasy Only a Monster will take Joan deeper into the monster world, where treacherous secrets and even more danger await.

Despite all of the odds, Joan achieved the impossible. She reset the timeline, saved her family – and destroyed the hero, Nick.

But her success has come at a terrible cost.

She alone remembers what happened. Now, Aaron, her hard-won friend – and maybe more – is an enemy, trying to kill her. And Nick, the boy she loved, is a stranger who doesn’t even know her name. Only Joan remembers that there is a ruthless and dangerous enemy still out there.

When a deadly attack forces Joan back into the monster world as a fugitive, she finds herself on the run with Nick – as Aaron closes in.

As the danger rises – and Nick gets perilously closer to discovering the truth of what Joan did to him – Joan discovers a secret of her own. One that threatens everyone she loves.

Torn between love and family and monstrous choices, Joan must find a way to re-gather her old allies to face down the deadliest of enemies, and to save the timeline itself.

Vanessa Len’s stunning Only a Monster trilogy continues with this second instalment, a thrilling journey where a secret past threatens to unravel everyone’s future.


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Lauren Munoz - Engels - Paperback

Seven friends throw a 1920s-themed party, where it’s all pretend–until one of them is murdered. One of Us Is Lying meets Knives Out in this killer locked-room mystery.

Someone brought a knife to the party.

To celebrate the end of high school, Izzy Morales joins her ride-or-die Kassidy and five friends on a 1920s-themed getaway at the glamorous Ashwood Manor. There, Izzy and her friends party in vintage dresses and expensive diamonds–until Kassidy’s boyfriend turns up dead.

Murdered, investigators declare when they arrive at the scene, and now every party guest is a suspect. There’s the girlfriend, in love. The other girl, in despair. The old friend, forlorn. The new friend, distressed. The brooding enigma. And then, there’s Izzy–the girl who brought the knife.

To find the killer, everyone must undergo a grueling interrogation, all while locked in an estate where, suddenly, the greatest luxury is innocence.


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Gareth Rubin - Engels - Hardback

‘A stunning, ingenious, truly immersive mystery. The Turnglass is a thrilling delight’ Chris Whitaker

Stuart Turton meets The Magpie Murders in this immersive and unique story for fans of clever crime fiction.

1880s England . On the bleak island of Ray, off the Essex coast, an idealistic young doctor, Simeon Lee, is called from London to treat his cousin, Parson Oliver Hawes, who is dying. Parson Hawes, who lives in the only house on the island – Turnglass House – believes he is being poisoned. And he points the finger at his sister-in-law, Florence. Florence was declared insane after killing Oliver’s brother in a jealous rage and is now kept in a glass-walled apartment in Oliver’s library. And the secret to how she came to be there is found in Oliver’s tête-bêche journal, where one side tells a very different story from the other.

1930s California. Celebrated author Oliver Tooke, the son of the state governor, is found dead in his writing hut off the coast of the family residence, Turnglass House. His friend Ken Kourian doesn’t believe that Oliver would take his own life. His investigations lead him to the mysterious kidnapping of Oliver’s brother when they were children, and the subsequent secret incarceration of his mother, Florence, in an asylum. But to discover the truth, Ken must decipher clues hidden in Oliver’s final book, a tête-bêche novel – which is about a young doctor called Simeon Lee . . .


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Jennifer Lynn Barnes - Nederlands - Hardback

Niets past beter bij een Hawthorne dan winnen
Nieuw boek in de bestsellerserie ‘Het Hawthorne-mysterie‘!

Grayson Hawthorne zou in de voetsporen van zijn schatrijke grootvader treden; het fortuin laten groeien en zijn familie beschermen. Daar bestond geen twijfel over. Inmiddels is de grote Tobias Hawthorne dood en zijn familie onterfd, maar sommige van zijn lessen zijn Grayson bijgebleven. Wanneer zijn halfzussen dreigen te ontdekken wat er met hun vader is gebeurd, doet hij wat hij het beste kan: zorgen dat de zaak wordt opgelost – efficiënt, effectief, genadeloos. En zonder dat gevoelens en emoties hem in de weg staan.

Jameson Hawthorne is een gokker, een sensatiezoeker, een spelletjesspeler. Als zijn mysterieuze vader opduikt en hem om een gunst vraagt, kan Jameson de uitdaging dan ook niet weerstaan. Om te slagen moet hij infiltreren in de meest exclusieve ondergrondse club van Londen, waar aristocraten, politici en buitengewoon rijke mensen gokken om geld en geheimen. Daar moet hij een onmogelijk spel met een torenhoge inzet winnen. Gelukkig leeft Jameson Hawthorne voor het onmogelijke.

Beiden verwikkeld in hun eigen strijd, moeten Grayson en Jameson – met hulp van hun broers en Avery – besluiten wie ze willen zijn en wat ze bereid zijn op te geven om te winnen.

De Hawthorne-broers‘ speelt zich af tussen het laatste hoofdstuk en de epiloog van ‘De laatste zet‘.


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Renée Olsthoorn - Nederlands - Paperback

Daantje van Duinen is de Amsterdamse Zuidas zat. Als junior associate bij een groot advocatenkantoor voelt ze zich uitgebuit door haar werkgever, en in de liefde wil het al helemaal niet vlotten. Ze besluit het roer om te gooien en haalt haar moeder Iris, die sinds een halfjaar weduwe is, over om samen een wijn- en kaaswinkel in Frankrijk te beginnen. Geen gewone wijn- en kaaswinkel, maar een in Nederlandse wijn en kaas gespecialiseerde winkel. Gekkenwerk, vindt iedereen, alsof Frankrijk zelf niet over meer dan voldoende kaassoorten beschikt. En Nederlandse wijnen die moeten concurreren met de Franse? Ondenkbaar!

Maar Daantje is vastbesloten en ze vertrekken. Eenmaal in Frankrijk is er veel werk aan de winkel – letterlijk, want het pand dat Daantje in hartje Troyes heeft gekocht, moet van top tot teen gerenoveerd worden. Daarvoor nemen ze het lokale klusbedrijf Alain Brique et fils in de arm. Terwijl vader Alain en zoon Olivier het pand opknappen, bloeit er iets op tussen hen en de Nederlandse vrouwen. Een pand restaureren blijkt echter veel makkelijker dan een gebroken hart of een bittere kijk op de liefde herstellen.


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V.E. Schwab - Engels - Hardback

A beautiful collector’s hardback edition of the conclusion of the NYT-bestselling, Amazon Book of the Year, Monsters of Verity series. Dangerous and compelling, dark and brooding, this is classic urban fantasy, full of vampiric monsters, forbidden romances and life-changing consequences. A gorgeous collector’s hardback edition of the second book in the Monsters of Verity duology, featuring gorgeous new jacket artwork, for the sequel to the instant #1 New York Times bestseller, This Savage Song.

Kate Harker is a girl who isn’t afraid of the dark. She’s a girl who hunts monsters. And she’s good at it.

August Flynn is a monster who can never be human. No matter how much he once yearned for it. He has a part to play.

And he will play it, no matter the cost. Nearly six months after Kate and August were first thrown together, the war between the monsters and the humans is a terrifying reality. In Verity, August has become the leader he never wished to be, and in Prosperity, Kate has become the ruthless hunter she knew she could be.

When a new monster emerges from the shadows-one who feeds on chaos and brings out its victim’s inner demons-it lures Kate home, where she finds more than she bargained for. She’ll face a monster she thought she killed, a boy she thought she knew, and a demon all her own.

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Juli: Wraak & Verraad


De Limited Edition van Iron Widow, geschreven door Xiran Jay Zhao, is verschenen met:
Digital Sprayed Edges
Stofomslag met goudfolie
Informatieve schutbladen met illustraties
Digitale bookplate
In de box vond je onderstaande items:
Artprint gemaakt door Ashley Osayande (@mysticscribbles_)
De eerste collectible potion boekenlegger gemaakt door Leora Aileen (@leoraaileen)
Karakter informatie A5 notepad
Collectible Pin
Rode mok met bedrukking
Stickervel A5

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Unboxing - Chemie in het lab

Chemie in het Lab Boekenbox


De Limited Edition van Not in Love, geschreven door Ali Hazelwood, is verschenen met:
Stenciled edges (met patroon)
Gebonden auteursbrief
Gebonden (digitale) handtekening
In de box vond je onderstaande items:
Bookish thermosbeker
Thee in een reageerbuisje
Digitaal gesigneerde bookplate van Ali Hazelwood
Washi tape met bloemen

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